Want to Feel Better After Breaking Up? Then Cut the Bond

Love Yourself by cutting the bond after a breakup.

~ Life is Love ~

If you have recently broken up with a loved one and you are still feeling a tug at your heart strings every time you think of him or her then chances are that you still have etheric cord attachment with this person. The etheric cord is not visible.  It is a spiritual attachment formed between two people when they are in a relationship. You may visualize it as a hose or hoses attached to you both and spanning the space between you. This cord allows transfer of energy, both positive/loving and negative/hurtful. Even if it has been a long time since your break up, the presence of these negative cords can be felt and can feel painful, both emotionally and physically.

People seek closure in different ways once a relationship has ended.  I am watching a new rental, 50/50, about a 28 year old man finding out he has a rare form of cancer.

While he is in treatment for his illness, he learns that his girlfriend is cheating on him, going out with other guys then coming back home and sleeping in the same bed with him, lying and betraying him in his weakened state.  She is an artist and once she is gone, he and a buddy take her painting into the backyard and stab, slash, cut and burn it while venting anger, hurt and frustration.  It is a perfect scene for depicting a healthy way to release and cleanse, important components in the healing process.

If you choose to burn something from your past relationship then make sure you do it safely, outdoors, on a small scale and on a non flammable surface like a concrete patio or inside a steel pot.   And while you ignite the small item (such as a photo) call on your spirit guides to release any and all etheric cord attachments to this person.  And watch the cords burn away. Then take the ashes and place them on the ground so that the material may be recycled and renewed into positive, life affirming energy.  Feel the new loving energy fill you up and trust that you are on your divine path.  And if you haven’t already done it, rent 50/59 then sit down and enjoy watching a movie about death that ends up being a fun movie about living and healing…

Infinite Blessings, Beth