My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 112

Loving Message:  The world in which you live is a mirror reflection of the state of your inner being.

~ One of My Faves ~

“Relationships are our opportunity to see ourselves in every way imaginable.  From the greatest betrayals of our trust to our most desperate attempts to fill our emptiness, everyone – including our co-workers, classmates, and life mates – shows us something about ourselves.  If we have the wisdom to recognize the messages that are being mirrored to us, we discover the beliefs that cause the suffering in our lives.” Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix”

When I read Gregg Braden’s book a couple of years ago, I connected with this holographic image of reality.  My ability to recognize my own negative traits in my relationships became easier as I understood that how I live from moment to moment is a reflection of my current level of frequency or connection to spirit.  When things go awry, I made and make it a habit of looking within for answers as to how I manifested each experience.   And every day presents the need for more self reflection and study as the process is continuous and ongoing for those of us who choose to ascend.

~ We Are One ~

Here is an example:

Remember my ongoing complaint about receiving stressful, demanding emails from my soon to be ex-husband typically on Fridays, after my supposed “free time” begins?  Well, it turns out that I have been doing the same impatient, imposing thing to my Earth Angel.  The message I received from the We was that she is currently not available and that when this changes, I will be contacted.  In my non-connection to spirit, which often manifests as impatience and downward spiraling negative thoughts, I sent her a message outlining several of my current relationship issues.

My gut told me what I had done, however, I did nothing to correct my mis-step until I received a reply.  Here is a clip:

“Your current vibration of obsessing, impatience and bad timing causes a delay in your growth by not allowing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual acceleration and abundance as you have stated to Us that you desire daily as well as other stress related problems and results that you currently experience.”

I was also told to keep a self-healing journal of all the things that are currently on my plate, and to update my list daily.  This is an excellent way to purge my negative feelings so that I may demonstrate patience and flexibility on a daily basis.  The message continues,

“Patience and timing is learned and fine tuned through repetition. It takes daily mindful and spiritually conscious practice and correct vibrational matching of your choices and actions with the new skills to become divinely articulated. Others who are affected will marvel at the positive changes and be even more drawn to the light that burns white hot in you body, mind and soul.”

Isn’t this last quote exquisitely worded?  It reflects a very strong connection to spirit and calls you and I to step up our frequency ever higher…

With Eternal Love, Beth

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