My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 81

Message of Love:  Stress can bring up remnants of old false belief systems within You.  As you recognize these, clear yourself of them.

~ Truth ~

I am clearing old cobwebs from my mind today and for the past several days.  As a result of my divorce, on a superficial level, my finances have changed and diminished considerably.  My ego wants to get carried away with this false lack of financial abundance, which, if successful, would drag my vibration lower and as a result would prolong the amount of time I must alter my way of living.  I have been releasing resistance along the way, however, yesterday I found myself in the middle of a very strong lesson.

I reviewed my current state of finances, opening bank accounts and making many notes and calculations.  While this is what many would consider a smart, practical way of approaching money, I quickly learned that it was a trap.  Yes, I was able to formulate the exact amount of lack that I am currently experiencing, but this gave my mind way too much information to latch onto.  Within 30 minutes I chose to drop the issue entirely, realizing that this stirs up very old false belief systems about lack of financial abundance.

~ Love ~

“Most parents, when they see children not terrorized by the things that terrorize them, they work very hard until they’ve finally got you terrorized. They teach you those irrational fears. Well-meaning, but they do just the same.”

— Abraham

I grew up in a middle class neighborhood, however, due to my dad’s false belief system about financial abundance, which he learned from his dad, and so on down the genetic tree, I wore clothes from Goodwill and ate food from the dumpster behind Piggly Wiggly.  All the furniture in the house was either hand me downs or garage sale items.  And this is what I learned, money is scarce and is not to be spent on new clothes, much less the occasional massage or sparkly toe pedicure.

~ Beauty ~

Fortunately, I have re-negotiated my belief system around money.  I have learned many lessons regarding its false power and now consider it a tool to be used for the highest good.  And once again, I thank my guides for assisting me in this lesson for the quadrillionth time.  Here is my new mantra regarding financial abundance:

I appreciate the house I live in and the car I drive.

I appreciate my comfortable life style and quality of life.

I appreciate abundance in all areas of my life, financial included.

I appreciate that my desires to continue living in this house with financial abundance are already being answered by the universe.

I thank my guides for giving me love and support as I continue day to day on this journey.

As I go about my day today, if I feel the old remnants about this issue creeping up again, I will perform a tapping technique to release and heal the energy.  Then I will replace the negative energy with the above thoughts.  You may watch the YouTube videos below for instructions on how to perform this tapping technique.  I have used it many, many times in the past with wonderful success.

Also, I choose to face my fears about finances head on and to act as if the money problem is already solved.  This means that while I may cut some corners by shopping at the discount stores and clipping coupons, I will continue to give myself the fancy pedicures.  While this might seem irrational on the surface, the amount of peace and love that I feel when I look at my hands and feet ensure that my vibration will continue to be strong and elevated.  It is an indication of self love and by experiencing it I increase that love for myself and others.

In Powerful Trust, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 23

Today’s Loving Message:  During divorce, it is normal to worry about money and finances, however, be very cautious with this because every moment you spend in worry is resistance to the flow of abundance to you.

Money Money Money

Money, money, money…  I am currently a stay at home mom who is going through a divorce and today the subject of finances is whirling about in my mind.  While I am now living a very comfortable life, I grew up in a much different scenario.  Sure, we lived in a middle class neighborhood, but both of my parents had a less-than abundant mentality when it came to money.  Even though my dad inherited quite a lump sum of money from his parents when they passed (I have no idea how much money because we were not allowed to ask such questions as kids), he was quite the penny pincher.  So my mom shopped at garage sales, second hand stores and discount groceries.  She even went so far as to recover partially rotten fruits and vegetables from the dumpster of the local food store.  Once she was interviewed by the Birmingham News about this and made front page of the Food Section, “The Dumpster Lady.”  I think she felt a little bit ashamed by the headlines, but that did not stop her from her thrifty ways.

I was up several hours last night with my 6 year old son, Victor, who is sick with a stomach virus, so I did not have the energy nor the inclination to meditate when I first awoke this morning.  Instead, I am focusing my mind as I am typing this blog post, and I am feeling my fingers move across the keyboard with ease.  I am breathing, deep abdominal breaths, and I am clearing and cleansing my chakras by envisioning that I am engulfed in orbs of ascending chakra colors, vibrant and alive, from red, to orange, to yellow, to green, to light blue, to deep blue, to purple and finally to white.  I allow myself to remain in white light energy as I journey away from my body up a big, cold slab step, and then another, and finally a third to the meeting place of my guides.  I am asking my guides to step over to me because I want to hear more personal messages about money and divorce…

“What can I do to ensure that I will be financially stable?” I ask.  And I listen, calming my mind and patiently waiting for an answer.

What I am shown is an overview of my life in regards to finances.  I came from a financially stable family, however, their mindset was not one of abundance, so as a child I struggled with the lack of flow that I felt as a result.  This was not how I wanted my life to become as I grew older, so unconsciously I sent out a very strong desire to live a financially lucrative life.  After my first divorce, I married a man who is a health care provider in a high demand niche.  Over the years, while I have been home raising our children, he has become very successful and we have enjoyed the fruits of this success.

Now as I face divorce, I also am confronted with deep fears about lack of money that I learned from my youth.  It is yet another challenge to overcome so that I connect with my divine, spiritual power to begin manifesting financial abundance in an artistic, creative field.  I am shown the high frequency of vibration that I experience when I work and live in flow, like right now, versus the low, sluggish frequency I experience when I am in a state of worry over finances.  “Which do I prefer?” they ask.

“Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I prefer to stay in flow, to live and work in love, balance and harmony,” I answer.

“Then this is what you must do,” they say:

  • Focus on the present moment.
  • Do not allow yourself to worry about the future because when you do you are out of flow.
  • On days like today when you are sleep deprived, give yourself a break.  Rest, watch a movie, sit with your son.  This will distract you until you are again rested and can focus on what is important.
  • As you move about your day, find things to appreciate, from the presence of your special pets, to the fact that water pours out of the faucet when you turn it on.
  • Know that it is easy to be abundant in all areas of your life when your focus is on joy.
  • Use this time now as you are proceeding through your divorce as a time to focus on healing so that you may manifest the financial abundance you desire.

“Thank you, guides,” I say as I imagine myself stepping down the 3 tall stone steps back down into my physical body.  I inhale deeply, exhale and bring my awareness back into the room.  What a wonderful message my guides have shared today.  I am ready to hang out with my boys and remain in spirit.

Peace, Beth

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