Accessing Intuition #1

Intuition Necklace

Intuition Necklace

When you were born you were fresh from the light, meaning you were newly incarnated into physical form from your spiritual form.  Infants and young children easily remember their soul experience and, thus, easily connect with their spirit guides.

As we get older, many of us forget this connection.  Our faith and trust in this connection is replaced with the negative views of society, family, friends and relationships.

The good news is that anybody can learn to reconnect with their Inner Being and with the consciousness and energy of the Universe.  When you make this connection, you access INTUITION.

There are several different types of intuition:

Clairvoyance:  Being able to see your spirit guides and those of other people.  You may also see their life stories in a series of pictures of movies.

Clairaudience:  Being able to listen to Spirit guides.  You will hear a voice inside your head.

Clairsentience:  Being able to feel Spirit with your body.  You may feel tingling, pressure, warm or cold sensations.  You may also smell Spirit — usually in the form of sweet, aromatic scents.

Claircognizance:  Being able to connect with Spirit and just know things for no reason.  This can be one of the hardest to recognize because it appears to come from oneself and not from one’s guides.