My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 108

Message of Love: Expect to become what you so wish to become and you will be guided along the way to your destiny.

~ Natural Beauty ~

As a very young girl, I have vivid, frightful memories of being physically lifted off the ground with the angry kick from my dad. A towering 6’4” man, his behavior would shift dramatically from one moment to the next. When I was in my 20’s, I had the pleasure of re-living and remembering this experience while visiting my father and his new family, including his young toddler daughter. At the dinner table, he would carry on in a silly fashion with this lovely, spirited little girl. She loved it and ate it up until he switched over to being serious and expected her to follow suit, pronto. Well, of course at her age she could not and next what I witnessed felt very similar to what I experienced as a child.

What followed was an ugly, angry outburst. The insults, threats, and assaults that came out of his mouth felt like sharp, piercing daggers which were thrown at his own baby. And his wife said and did nothing protective for her daughter, probably much like my own acted when it occurred to me and my siblings. As her laughter and fun ended, she cried broken heartedly. How could she understand what she had done and why this was happening to her?

~ Divine ~

While witnessing the same scene that I had experienced throughout my childhood, I found myself unable to say anything. I felt like I was the small child who was being yelled at so violently. So I sat in silence, feeling ashamed and guilty, and more than anything else, wanting to get the heck out of there.

Today I realize that this interaction with my father, more than anything else in my lifetime, has shaped not only my people pleasing behavior, but also my deep seated and false belief that I am a victim. This mentality underlies my choices within my relationships. The role of victim has been played by me in many lifetimes and is the sea of darkness inside of me which is producing repetitive cycles of self-inflicted hurt and pain.

I see it.

It is no longer a secret.

And I vow to unleash my inner dragon to conquer this darkness so that I may become the enlightened, multi-dimensional being that I so desire to Be.

With Courage Facing the Unknown, Beth

“You don’t have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you’re going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 107

Divine Message:  Be brave and continue to face the darkness that is inside of you.  You will be very glad that you did.

~ Challenge ~

At times resistance rears its ugly head in my life and at those times, I am faced with a very challenging choice: to delve into the painful past in order to shed light on it and heal from it, or to continue feeling angry at myself and the drama I have created.  This appears to be a very easy choice, and it is, however, when amidst the crisis all my brain tells me to do is to run.  Avoid it.  Deny it.  Repress it.

So what have I done?  Most recently, I found myself falsely believing once again that I had easily forgiven myself, healed and moved on.  But what had really changed?  Nothing has changed, except that I had created yet one more misstep on my divine path.  Was the impatience inside of me masking something greater?

As the years of old, suppressed pains and emotions manifest themselves in current unpleasant life situations, I created yet another unhealthy addiction cycle: the need to purge, release and forgive myself.  Yes, this cycle can be healthy, but for me, as I continued to bring about the same bad feelings in my relationships, I recently began to feel there was something much more dark that I needed to face in order to break this old, hurtful pattern.  But what was it?

~ Change ~

Then I received a loving message from my Earth Angel.  It read:

“You are in the process of learning that there is a time for releasing and and time for creating. You are in the process of releasing a very strong embedded, ingrained belief in all your levels of being…it is called a victim consciousness. You have been living many lives by this belief and your choices are based on this belief, therefore, you only ‘see’ a lesson from one dimension, one side of a box. There is now a call on you to have a personal, solo, time of a major releasing ceremony to release all limits, all circumstances where you thought and think yourself to be a victim of others intentions and actions.”

~ Growth ~

This message resonated deeply with me.  It made sense.  I asked for guidance and assistance in how to perform such a ceremony.  I felt confident that I would receive the necessary information as needed.

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 106

Message of Love:  Personal choice is what makes you human and defines your divine life path.

~ Connection ~

When I grew up, my parents strictly did not discuss politics.  On one hand, I had no exposure to a spiritual approach to this topic, and on the other hand, it saved me from listening to potential hate and fear based energies.  In this latter regard, I am thankful.

~ Beauty ~

After school yesterday, I asked each of my boys separately if they had heard about Osama Bin Laden in class.  My youngest said, “Who is that?” and my oldest said that, yes, he did hear about it.  He said one of his classmates explained that Osama was a very bad man and that now he is dead, killed by the U.S. Military.  Then he began asking me questions about it and I had the joyful experience of answering.  We were all in the car, a captive environment which facilitates listening and memory retention of my very busy boys.

~ Joyfulness ~

Here is a synopsis of what I told them:

1) First, I objectively explained the events of 9/11, which neither of them knew about beforehand.

2) I discussed the cycle of fear and hate between cultures which perpetuates wars, and the current energy of revenge now in the U.S. with the death of Osama.

3) Bringing the message home, I talked about personal choice and how it influences the energies of our planet.

“It’s up to each person whether or not he chooses to live from a place of love or a place of fear,” I said.

“Well, I Am love,” my youngest chirped.

“Yes, you Are,” I offered.

“I don’t feel either way,” my oldest said.

“And All is well,” I added, moments before we parked the car and our conversation was done…

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions. You could go this way, or that way, and either way will eventually get you to where you want to be. But in the moment you start complimenting yourself on the decision you’ve made, in that moment, you come back into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 102

Divine Message:  One positive aspect of our lives is that we can learn to take responsibility for our actions at a very early age.

~ Community ~

This is a story of learning to take responsibility for one’s actions at the early age of 6…

Before bedtime, my oldest son reads independently and I read to my first grader while we lie together in his bed.  This is a special time that we spend together daily where we giggle and snuggle in our cozy spot.  Both my boys understand that the bedroom is a sacred place of quietness, peace and calm.  And each one of them enjoys their own space very much.

~ Sacred Kid Space ~

~ Sacred Kid Space ~

Due to his frustrated feelings lately, my 6 year old had been treating me roughly during our peaceful reading time.  Several nights ago he suddenly became excited and yelled loudly in my left ear.  It was so forceful that I dismissed myself temporarily in order to recoup and while I was out of his room, I devised a plan very similar to one using dimes that my Earth Angel recently taught me.

~ An All Time Favorite ~

I got a pen and paper and began writing, formulating a contract of sorts between me and my child.  The writing was large print so that he could read it for himself and be reminded of the agreement any time he noticed it hanging on his cork board in his sacred space.  Then I re-entered his room and asked him to sit up so that I could first read the document to him and then he could read it out loud to me, demonstrating that he understood before signing.  His eyes got pretty big and he sat up, wondering what on earth is going on, but he approached the situation very calmly and with respect.  This is what it said:

“The next time

I scream in my

mom’s ear or do

anything else rough and

mean to her,

I will lose book reading

at night with my mom

for 3 days.



We both read it and he signed, including his full name + nick name, Beaver, spelled “Bvvr.”  I almost laughed out loud when I saw that…  His attitude shifted and he became very soft and gentle with me that night and each night since.  The “contract” is still on his wall and I remind him about it at night before we begin our nightly ritual.  Is he learning a little responsibility?  I certainly hope so!

Do you have any ideas on this topic?  If so then please leave a comment below…

In Loving Bliss, Beth

“Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You’re just not ready to receive it right now.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 97

Love Message:  Pay attention to signs from your divine guides.

~ Sailing ~

In the past week, I’ve listened to so many complaints and resistive thinking from my boys.  My youngest told me, “I have something to say and you are not going to like it… I think it is much better if I go live with Dad.”

“Oh, why is that?” I asked, remembering that he is working through the divorce process, too, and not to take what he says personally.

“Well, because my has a Wii and you don’t,” he begins, looking at me to make sure that it is ok for him to continue.  “Plus, we get to play the Wii for a whole hour and you never let us do that.  We pretty much play all the time at Dad’s house and you are always busy…”

~ Kids At Play ~

He went on and on about his time on the weekends with his dad versus the boring and difficult time he has with me during the school week.  I reassured him that his feelings are normal and re-explained the weekday routines, saying that when we get a free day we will play all day long.  My mind wanted me to become angry at the current state of perceived unfairness, however, I let it go and we enjoyed the remaining time before bed by playing a fun card game and reading several new library books.

And I continue to remind myself that this time in my life is temporary… and All is well…

In Peace, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 87

Message of Love:  Set your intention for love and we will Always assist You.



~ Open Channels ~


My body is working through some old energies lately, and on Sunday my left knee hurt a little bit plus in the evening I developed another acne on my chin.

“What’s up now?” I thought, not wanting another spike in toxic energy like I had the week before.  In the morning I felt great, but the after I picked up the boys I began feeling like my energy was off.

I knew something had triggered these changes in my body, but I didn’t fully understand so I referred to Louise Hay’s book again, Heal Your Body A-Z, and looked up knee.

“Represents pride and ego,” it read.



~ Universal Love ~



“Well, that makes sense,” I thought, remembering the Portland to Coast training walk I had gone on the day before.  At some point on the walk I realized that I was in the lead, walking and talking with a friend who runs 19 miles on the weekends to train for marathons.  My body was exerting quite a lot of effort, so I consciously made the choice to drop back and then I felt better.  Even though I did not set out to compete on this training walk, there was some old energy from the ego that caused me to go for the lead, so I got it why the muscles of my knee were overworked and painful.

And what about the acne?  I figured that one out, too, and I will share it with you tomorrow.

Blissfully Smiling, Beth





“When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of attraction that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 36

Message of Love:  Healing opens the portal to prosperity.  Expect to be pleasantly surprised as you begin to receive blessings in many areas of your life.



Star Colors in Orion

Portals of Abundance



Over the past weekend I had an immense transformation after experiencing what some have coined “the dark day of the soul.”  I wrote about it and will be sharing the place I was in with you later this week.  Having worked through generational false beliefs and layer upon layer of sludge that was covering my Divine Light within, I revealed to myself an inner power far greater than anything I have known since my childhood.

Yesterday, being Valentine’s Day, I experienced love from dimensions I had only dreamt about before.  The day was truly celebrated for the first time since I can remember and I shared my joy with everyone.  Here is a quote from Abraham which describes my experience perfectly:

“We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold: You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.”



The Whirlpool Galaxy in Infrared Dust

Cosmic Creation


Because I no longer resisted my abundance, many, many things happened yesterday that were synchronistic, amazing and exactly what I had been asking for.  Here’s a short list:

  • I spoke with my lawyer about some concerns I had been having and she listened without judgment and then offered her loving and quite spiritual support.  She said things that I had no idea she was capable of saying and I knew that she is a connection from the spirit world, here to assist me.
  • I received my first ever Valentine’s Day card from my dad.  It was short, sweet and full of  joy.  When I called him he tried to give away the credit, but I received his gesture for what it was, an offering of love and concern for my well being.
  • I received a call from the maker of my automobile, which has been having some $$$$ spendy troubles with the rear hatch mechanism.  In a desire to save money, I decided not to have it repaired and last December a close friend came across a bulletin that was posted about this type of car having this type of problem.  He suggested that I call about it, so I did, almost 2 months ago and I never heard back from them.  I had forgotten all about it except that I set a reminder in my phone to call them back, so each day I would think, “I wonder what will happen about this,” and nothing more.  And on Valentine’s Day 2011 I was told that they will repair the rear hatch at no cost!

If you are not a believer in the Universal Law of Attraction, then you would probably say that I had a lucky day.  To this, I must reply, “We both agree that it was great; so why not try this way of thinking for a little while and find out how it works for you?”  Below are several YouTube videos on Abraham to get you started.

Peace and Love, Beth



The Joy of Synchronicity

I have a strong love for synchronicity and enjoy noticing its occurance every day in my life.  Synchronicity is a name used to define an event or circumstance that has no reason for happening, however, it is important for the person(s) within the situation.  A similar word is serendipity and there is a movie out with this name starring John Cusak, which I highly recommend viewing.



If you are interested in learning more about this topic then read this Squidoo lens that I wrote:

As you become more aware of synchronicity in your life, it becomes more aware of you and the wonderful adventure begins.  For example, my guides and angels know that I have a connection with numbers because I studied mathematics in college and it runs in the family.  So I decided to learn about numerology and now find meaning and serendipity in the simplest yet unexplainable things.

Here is an example of only a few of the synchronicities which occurred for me in the past week:

1.  During the night of 9.8.10 I woke up at 1:11 then again at 4:44 then again at 5:05.

2.  On 9.9.10 I wake up again at 1:11 and 4:44.  When I woke up at 1:11 I had a word on my mind.  As I began to ponder the meaning of the word, I remembered an important event from my childhood.  This gave me a strong sense of direction on my spiritual life path.  In other words, I got a green light for my next step forward on a new career.

3. That same morning a coyote visited our back yard.  My son, Victor, said, “Mom, look, it’s a fox.”  I dismissed it, thinking we do not have foxes in our neighborhood.  When he saw him a second time, however, I went to look and saw a very healthy coyote walking casually through our yard.  He glanced my way and then left.  The third time (and yes, the #3 is significant also) he just sat up, looking directly at us, from Victor’s eyes to mine, and I got it that he was waiting to also connect with Leo, my older child.  As soon as Leo saw him, he left for good.

It turns out that each of us received a unique message.  Mine was to pick back up the pen so to speak and complete my book for children, which has the coyote as one of the main characters.  Victor’s message was about transforming from playing tricks on himself to knowing that he is perfect already.  Leo’s message was about being able to tell jokes and laugh at himself in life.

4. The gym I attend is usually very crowded in the mornings and parking is limited.  As I am driving to the facility I ask my guides for my favorite parking space, right in front of the new entrance.  I haven’t calculated, but almost every time my space is available and I offer appreciation for it, especially on those cold, rainy days.

5. On 9.10.10 I wake up at 1:11 then 4:44 again.  I think of a friend and then see her at a pet store.

6. On 9.11.10 I wake up at 6:24 and then 6:33 and realize this is 6:6 and the number 3 for the trinity. I also remember a dream I had during the night and am able to understand it’s implications for me on that particular day.  I take the kids for a hike and we see a mass of garter snakes, intertwined, moving about and undisturbed by our proximity.  I immediately receive their message and share it with the boys, who receive joyfully as we continue.  Victor bought a small bug specimen container for the hike and wanted to find a snake to put in it for good viewing.  I said that it would have to be a tiny snake to be able to fit in the small space, so sure enough he finds one that is no more than 3″ long and Leo catches it for him.  The baby brown snake is happy when he is released next to a small stream soon after.

If you are interested in connecting with the joy of  synchronicity in your life then you are already on the right path!  Blessings and Light, Beth

The Joy of Synchronicity

Lessons On Abuse From A Loved One

Abuse of family members is one of the most prevalent concerns in our society.  Nine times out of ten the homicide victim knows their assailant before the crime is committed.  This topic reflects the current state of fear, anger and aggression that is rampant on our planet and that is also the cause of wars, genocides, and mass destruction.  Most people know someone who is the victim of abuse, whether they or their friend realizes it or not.

I have a friend who has a history of family abuse and has shared some of her traumas with me.  Fortunately, she divorced her physically, verbally and emotionally abusive husband many, many years ago.  Recently, she found herself subject to very similar behaviors from one of her most beloved family members, her only child.

While my friend has grown into a spiritually strong individual after many years of therapy and self study, during this recent onslaught of blame, hate and judgement from her son, she found herself reliving the past emotional scars and wounds.  The wounds inflicted by her child appear to run deeper than time itself.

Abuse causes such a tremendous amount of pain and suffering because not only does it harm the body, but it also harms the mind, the emotional self and the spirit.  Abuse is the absence of love.  It is fear based and has a low frequency vibration.  No wonder it feels so awful.


So what did my friend do when she realized what was going on?  The answer is a very powerful act of love:

1.  She prayed to her angels and guides for support and answers for the best possible outcome in the situation.

2.  She reached inside herself for the courage to manifest her desires.

3.  She forgave herself and then her child.

4.  And finally, she let him go.  She chose to let him make his own choices in life and in doing so she gave herself ultimate freedom and love.

As she progressed through the energy of her decision, she discovered that her angels had softly laid the path for her.  She felt their presence as things on his side were taken care of without further angry attacks.  It was not an easy process overall, however, many times the most challenging situations deliver the greatest opportunities for growth, unconditional love and peace.

As I reflect on this recent lesson, I am thankful that I have this special person in my life.  She sets a high standard on self love and gives us a wonderful example to follow.  After all, if we are unable to love ourselves then how can we claim to be Spiritual Beings?

A Letter On Physical Pain In The Sensitive Body

I recently received a letter from a friend on Face Book and was granted permission to share.  She has a history of childhood abuse and as an adult she experiences the sensitive body, full of day to day pains which are at times disabling.  Here  is her inspirational letter:

3D Toe Bling

3D Toe Bling

“As an Indigo seed child I found some info that has provided more clarification about pain and sickness in this physical being since childhood. That as a sensitive I experience energetic pain and repeated symptoms as a result of all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual toxins that exist all around me.

My choice by contract to be a intuitive, I chose to learn to exist strongly and spiritually in spite of the effect those toxins have on my being. To filter them out, deal with, change, minimize, remove, avoid, so as to develop ways for other and future indigo Pleidians and to allow my elders to observe, study, learn from my childhood thru physical death, how to stay intuitive, spiritual etc. and to demonstrate how to advance to higher dimensions even though this body has such restrictions and objections. Also to blaze a path for other indigo, rainbow, and star children Pleidians to follow. For modifications to be made to adjust these physical bodies we reside in to be able to handle, filter, and excel in. So that I will be ready and physically intact until such time as my ascension to the next non-physical dimension.

What a exciting aha moment for me. I feel a peace about this unlike any other time in my life. My 5th D frequency understands.

I will continue to make more adjustments. Even more vegetarian, fruit, nut, clearer, lighter vibrational food.

Awesome huh!!! Yahoo!”