My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 107

Divine Message:  Be brave and continue to face the darkness that is inside of you.  You will be very glad that you did.

~ Challenge ~

At times resistance rears its ugly head in my life and at those times, I am faced with a very challenging choice: to delve into the painful past in order to shed light on it and heal from it, or to continue feeling angry at myself and the drama I have created.  This appears to be a very easy choice, and it is, however, when amidst the crisis all my brain tells me to do is to run.  Avoid it.  Deny it.  Repress it.

So what have I done?  Most recently, I found myself falsely believing once again that I had easily forgiven myself, healed and moved on.  But what had really changed?  Nothing has changed, except that I had created yet one more misstep on my divine path.  Was the impatience inside of me masking something greater?

As the years of old, suppressed pains and emotions manifest themselves in current unpleasant life situations, I created yet another unhealthy addiction cycle: the need to purge, release and forgive myself.  Yes, this cycle can be healthy, but for me, as I continued to bring about the same bad feelings in my relationships, I recently began to feel there was something much more dark that I needed to face in order to break this old, hurtful pattern.  But what was it?

~ Change ~

Then I received a loving message from my Earth Angel.  It read:

“You are in the process of learning that there is a time for releasing and and time for creating. You are in the process of releasing a very strong embedded, ingrained belief in all your levels of being…it is called a victim consciousness. You have been living many lives by this belief and your choices are based on this belief, therefore, you only ‘see’ a lesson from one dimension, one side of a box. There is now a call on you to have a personal, solo, time of a major releasing ceremony to release all limits, all circumstances where you thought and think yourself to be a victim of others intentions and actions.”

~ Growth ~

This message resonated deeply with me.  It made sense.  I asked for guidance and assistance in how to perform such a ceremony.  I felt confident that I would receive the necessary information as needed.

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 106

Message of Love:  Personal choice is what makes you human and defines your divine life path.

~ Connection ~

When I grew up, my parents strictly did not discuss politics.  On one hand, I had no exposure to a spiritual approach to this topic, and on the other hand, it saved me from listening to potential hate and fear based energies.  In this latter regard, I am thankful.

~ Beauty ~

After school yesterday, I asked each of my boys separately if they had heard about Osama Bin Laden in class.  My youngest said, “Who is that?” and my oldest said that, yes, he did hear about it.  He said one of his classmates explained that Osama was a very bad man and that now he is dead, killed by the U.S. Military.  Then he began asking me questions about it and I had the joyful experience of answering.  We were all in the car, a captive environment which facilitates listening and memory retention of my very busy boys.

~ Joyfulness ~

Here is a synopsis of what I told them:

1) First, I objectively explained the events of 9/11, which neither of them knew about beforehand.

2) I discussed the cycle of fear and hate between cultures which perpetuates wars, and the current energy of revenge now in the U.S. with the death of Osama.

3) Bringing the message home, I talked about personal choice and how it influences the energies of our planet.

“It’s up to each person whether or not he chooses to live from a place of love or a place of fear,” I said.

“Well, I Am love,” my youngest chirped.

“Yes, you Are,” I offered.

“I don’t feel either way,” my oldest said.

“And All is well,” I added, moments before we parked the car and our conversation was done…

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions. You could go this way, or that way, and either way will eventually get you to where you want to be. But in the moment you start complimenting yourself on the decision you’ve made, in that moment, you come back into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 99

Message of Love:  Continue to have faith that everything is working out for your greatest good.

~ YES ~

The email from my soon to be ex-husband was quite tricky.  When I read the first sentence, I felt so thankful and excited, but then I almost lost sight of my enthusiasm because the second sentence was completely fear based with attempts to control and manipulate.  The disappointment was so heavy that I further realized the price I continue to pay for marrying for money.  Yes, I recently came face to face with this realization.  I may have been smitten with his charm for the first few months or maybe even a year, but after that who am I kidding?  The man consistently loses his wallet, keys, etc.  He has even locked himself out of our old Tercel while the motor was running!  What sort of a relationship was I getting myself into?  In hindsight, I can clearly see the false security of that big paycheck that continued to lure me until this past year when things escalated to the point that I knew I would either become deathly ill or I would need to change my life dramatically.

So here I Am.

After about 30 minutes of mental torture, during which time I forgave myself, I resolved to focus on the first sentence of the email, which read, “Selling the house in the near future will not be a good idea.”

~ Celebrate ~

And this is exactly what I want, to continue living with my boys in our home.  Once I redirect my focus, I feel the support and security of my angels and spirit guides.  Things really are working out for the best.  Love it!

Blessings of Abundance, Beth

“I’ll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me… Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you’re a match, together with it – then there aren’t any bugs to work out. Don’t ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want – and then the Universe will bring you what you want.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 81

Message of Love:  Stress can bring up remnants of old false belief systems within You.  As you recognize these, clear yourself of them.

~ Truth ~

I am clearing old cobwebs from my mind today and for the past several days.  As a result of my divorce, on a superficial level, my finances have changed and diminished considerably.  My ego wants to get carried away with this false lack of financial abundance, which, if successful, would drag my vibration lower and as a result would prolong the amount of time I must alter my way of living.  I have been releasing resistance along the way, however, yesterday I found myself in the middle of a very strong lesson.

I reviewed my current state of finances, opening bank accounts and making many notes and calculations.  While this is what many would consider a smart, practical way of approaching money, I quickly learned that it was a trap.  Yes, I was able to formulate the exact amount of lack that I am currently experiencing, but this gave my mind way too much information to latch onto.  Within 30 minutes I chose to drop the issue entirely, realizing that this stirs up very old false belief systems about lack of financial abundance.

~ Love ~

“Most parents, when they see children not terrorized by the things that terrorize them, they work very hard until they’ve finally got you terrorized. They teach you those irrational fears. Well-meaning, but they do just the same.”

— Abraham

I grew up in a middle class neighborhood, however, due to my dad’s false belief system about financial abundance, which he learned from his dad, and so on down the genetic tree, I wore clothes from Goodwill and ate food from the dumpster behind Piggly Wiggly.  All the furniture in the house was either hand me downs or garage sale items.  And this is what I learned, money is scarce and is not to be spent on new clothes, much less the occasional massage or sparkly toe pedicure.

~ Beauty ~

Fortunately, I have re-negotiated my belief system around money.  I have learned many lessons regarding its false power and now consider it a tool to be used for the highest good.  And once again, I thank my guides for assisting me in this lesson for the quadrillionth time.  Here is my new mantra regarding financial abundance:

I appreciate the house I live in and the car I drive.

I appreciate my comfortable life style and quality of life.

I appreciate abundance in all areas of my life, financial included.

I appreciate that my desires to continue living in this house with financial abundance are already being answered by the universe.

I thank my guides for giving me love and support as I continue day to day on this journey.

As I go about my day today, if I feel the old remnants about this issue creeping up again, I will perform a tapping technique to release and heal the energy.  Then I will replace the negative energy with the above thoughts.  You may watch the YouTube videos below for instructions on how to perform this tapping technique.  I have used it many, many times in the past with wonderful success.

Also, I choose to face my fears about finances head on and to act as if the money problem is already solved.  This means that while I may cut some corners by shopping at the discount stores and clipping coupons, I will continue to give myself the fancy pedicures.  While this might seem irrational on the surface, the amount of peace and love that I feel when I look at my hands and feet ensure that my vibration will continue to be strong and elevated.  It is an indication of self love and by experiencing it I increase that love for myself and others.

In Powerful Trust, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 35

Spirit Message:  The ascended soul needs no reminder to love because every day is a celebration and unification with the pure love energy of Source.

~ Happy Valentines Day ~

Here is a beautiful quote by Louise Hay, perfect for sharing on Valentine’s Day:

“I Am a Radiant Being of Love

Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite supply of love. It is inexhaustible. I can never use it all in this lifetime. So I don’t have to be sparing with it. I can always be generous with my love. Love is contagious. When I share love, it comes back to me multiplied. The more love I give, the more love I have. I have come to this world to be a love giver. I came in full of love. And even though I will share my love all my life, when I leave this earth, I will still have a full and happy heart. If I want more love, then I have only to give love. Love is and I am.”

I woke up early this morning, eager to begin another day devoted to love.  Valentine’s Day is special in that it is a reminder to give love, not only to others in your life, but most importantly to yourself.  As I am at times engulfed in the grief stage of the divorce process, I appreciate today and will remember this Valentine’s Day in particular for a long time because it marks the first one in the new life which I am creating.  I feel at this moment happy, satisfied and confident in my choices which have led up to today.  The light is within me as it is within You.  Now how shall we celebrate today?

~ I Love You ~

~ I Love You ~

Here’s my Valentine’s Day celebration list:

  • Take an extra long, hot shower
  • Spend time with my family
  • Take Coco, my puppy, for a walk
  • Every time I am in front of a mirror, look myself in the eyes and say, “I love you”
  • Eat something chocolatey and sweet
  • Have fun and play tennis
  • Meditate
  • Pet my cat, BigBoy
  • Buy myself some beautiful flowers
  • Prepare one of my fav dishes for dinner, Pad Thai
  • Read Gary Zukav, “Spiritual Partnerships”
  • Give thanks for my friends, family, life

How about you?  What are your plans for Valentines Day?  Please share in the comments section below.

Peace and Love, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 28

Spirit Message:  As you unlock the pieces of your past through meditation, dreamtime and contemplation, a trail will become evident in your life path.  Following this trail is divine as it leads to a plethora of happiness.

Water Lilly

When the alarm clock went off this morning, I was in the middle of a beautiful dream and didn’t want to wake up.  I have made it a habit now of sleeping without clothes and my dreams have gone from ones of shame and humiliation at being caught out in public naked to ones of being exposed by choice in situations and feeling proud, beautiful and strong.  My body is adjusting to it’s new image as I take these dream time awakenings with me throughout my day.

In the night, I woke from a dream just enough to realize that the incident which occurred when I was 3 years old and fell into a friend’s pool then had to walk around naked at a party not only gave me the insight at the time of the Law of Attraction, but also gave me a sense of shame about my feminine body.  This shame has been clouding my perspective and my self image for the past 43 years and has finally been removed with my recent intention to do whatever it takes to heal from my past life traumas so that my divine, loving self returns to it’s natural state.

Imagine, I have changed only one simple thing about my daily routine and have received such illumination about my life as a result.

As I rubbed my eyes and sat up on the side of my bed for a meditation, I remembered the grace of last night and felt peaceful.  I cleared my chakras then began my meditation in which I climb up 3 levels to the meeting place of my guides.  “What is important for me to understand today?” I asked my guides.

“Today remember to follow your divine path,” my guides replied.  Then I saw in my imagination Tutenkahmun who added, “We will be working with you over the next few days to unleash your dragon.”

I immediately knew what King Tut meant because I have another (not) lovely legal meeting this week about the divorce.  “I am being prepared for battle?” I asked.

“Yes, battle, but battle of the peaceful yet very powerful dragon,” Tut replied.  “Today focus on staying in flow, doing what feels good, and you will be given information as you are ready to receive it.”

“Ok,” I answered, knowing that if I begin thinking about the future, about anything beyond the present moment, that it will bring worry and All that I desire will be held in resistance.  So here I sit, typing this blog and feeling the awesome power of my dragon while not yet understanding it fully.  And knowing that as I relax and breathe the next step on my path will be revealed.  Thank you, Tutenkahmun!

King Tut

Joy and Peace, Beth

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My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 25

Spirit Message:  When you take away your clothing and spend time alone, often times you strip through your outer layers of self denial and reconnect with the divine light within.

Red Rose Pic

Valentine’s Day is approaching and here I sit, on one hand without a love partner, and on the other hand with new found freedom and joy like none I have every experienced before.  This is because all the other Valentine’s Days did not fit with the life I wanted to live.  I was living in a state of self denial and imbalance, making it through each day instead of appreciating each moment.  Now that I have had the courage to ask for what I want, I realize that my life has just begun.

I have a best friend who is my Earth Angel.  She has been guiding me in respect to the joys of going naked while in the privacy of your own home.  I understood this unique style of self love as she explained it and I even wrote an article about it.  Here is the link:

Sexify Your Life

Here’s one recommendation from the article, “Alright ladies, you’ve made it this far in the article and now it is time to go naked all night long. That’s right, sleep with no nightie, no panties, nothing. Your body will love you for it. Try it and you will see.
Too cold? Then invest in a mattress warmer. Simple solution for that excuse.
We were born naked. We didn’t care about being naked as children. Let’s not care about being naked now as adults, ok? I mean, I am not proposing global nudity or anything, but in the privacy of your bedroom, why not?”

The article is about self love and reconnection with the Divine Feminine, which I understand on a very deep level, however, saying and doing are two different things.  I was open to going naked but limited it to the bathroom only… that is, until last night.  I woke up during the night and had the inspiration to remove my pj’s and when I woke up this morning I felt wonderful.  There I was with me, myself and I and nothing in between.  I felt such so much love and acceptance that I am still feeling it as I move about my day.  It’s a small thing that for me is totally huge!  How about you?

In Love and Joy, Beth

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