My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 107

Divine Message:  Be brave and continue to face the darkness that is inside of you.  You will be very glad that you did.

~ Challenge ~

At times resistance rears its ugly head in my life and at those times, I am faced with a very challenging choice: to delve into the painful past in order to shed light on it and heal from it, or to continue feeling angry at myself and the drama I have created.  This appears to be a very easy choice, and it is, however, when amidst the crisis all my brain tells me to do is to run.  Avoid it.  Deny it.  Repress it.

So what have I done?  Most recently, I found myself falsely believing once again that I had easily forgiven myself, healed and moved on.  But what had really changed?  Nothing has changed, except that I had created yet one more misstep on my divine path.  Was the impatience inside of me masking something greater?

As the years of old, suppressed pains and emotions manifest themselves in current unpleasant life situations, I created yet another unhealthy addiction cycle: the need to purge, release and forgive myself.  Yes, this cycle can be healthy, but for me, as I continued to bring about the same bad feelings in my relationships, I recently began to feel there was something much more dark that I needed to face in order to break this old, hurtful pattern.  But what was it?

~ Change ~

Then I received a loving message from my Earth Angel.  It read:

“You are in the process of learning that there is a time for releasing and and time for creating. You are in the process of releasing a very strong embedded, ingrained belief in all your levels of being…it is called a victim consciousness. You have been living many lives by this belief and your choices are based on this belief, therefore, you only ‘see’ a lesson from one dimension, one side of a box. There is now a call on you to have a personal, solo, time of a major releasing ceremony to release all limits, all circumstances where you thought and think yourself to be a victim of others intentions and actions.”

~ Growth ~

This message resonated deeply with me.  It made sense.  I asked for guidance and assistance in how to perform such a ceremony.  I felt confident that I would receive the necessary information as needed.

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 39

Sword Drawn...

Loving Message:  When you live a lie sometimes you become the lie and do things you would not normally do because your survival instinct takes over, causing you to act from fear instead of a place of love.  On your journey through healing, All things are forgiven.

Exhausted from Battle

Here is the dark day of my soul experience from last weekend.  Let me preface this posting with a caution:  if you do not like reading about another person’s bathroom floor experience (like in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book and movie, “Eat, Pray, Love”), then skip this one…

Today I am wearing armor, the armor of the gods, for battle against inner darkness.  What happened?  Nothing.  Nothing except that my mind brought in another layer of the onion for release and renewal.  It started yesterday when my thoughts were seized in a death like grip by fear.  The psychic attack lasted throughout the day and I was able to quell it with distraction by doing things that I enjoyed.  Then around 9 pm when I felt physically tired, it returned and hit me full force in the abdomen, leaving me on my hands and knees while I released sorrow from the depths of my soul.

It felt as if the sadness inside me transcended this lifetime and went back generation after generation as the women of my family shared my release.  The crying finally ended, leaving me drained and exhausted, but not sleepy so I took out a pen and paper and began to write.  I wrote of wrongs passed, of sadness and laws of universal energy.

Weapon of Light

After some time I began to write about what it is that I want.  I had spent so much time in intense fear that after experiencing it and releasing it, I needed to replace it with my hopes and dreams.  While I wrote to almost fill my little notebook, here is the main gist:

  1. I want a safe and loving environment in which to raise my 2 boys.
  2. I want a peaceful life.
  3. I want to recognize daily that I Am the light that I seek.
  4. I want to bring hope, healing and joy to the planet through my writings, channelings and gemstone jewelry.
  5. I want prosperity in All areas of my life.
  6. I want joy and self love.
  7. I want to completely heal through this divorce process.
  8. I want a smooth, easy transition for my family.
  9. I want loving relationships to flourish.
  10. I want to feel connected to the flow of universal energy in the Now.

After writing this I fell to sleep and rested for 4 hours before waking up to another mental attack.  Anxiety has a way of rearing it’s ugly head in the middle of the night.  I am delighted to reveal, however, that instead of allowing my frequency to be derailed again, I turned on the light and opened a book with positive, life affirming messages.  It was amazing the insights I had in the middle of the night while reading and after I was able to return to sleep.


My guides were helping me during my sleep and before I began reading they gave me some options:

  1. I can go down into another bottomless tunnel of fear if I liked how that felt last night.

~  OR ~ I can do one of the following things which would help me stay at my normal, loving state of Being:

  1. I could continue reading the latest edition by Gary Zukav, one of my fav authors.
  2. I could take a relaxing bath or shower.
  3. I could get up and go bake some yummy, healthy muffins.
  4. I could bundle up and go for a walk in the night.
  5. I could listen to soothing music.
  6. I could meditate, even listen to a guided meditation CD.
  7. I could get on the floor and do some gentle yoga stretches…

I was too lazy for anything else, so I picked up the book and happy for me the reading worked nicely.

So here I sit, armor and sword intact, ready to pierce any low vibration thoughts that come my way today because I choose love.  I Am Love.  And when I remember this, everything on all energetic levels is forgiven and replaced with positive, joy-filled expectations.  For Now, I have conquered my own darkness and stepped into the Light.

In Joy and Harmony,


P.S. If you are going through a divorce or any other relationship turmoil, I suggest you watch the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.”  It is a story of healing and rebirth that is truly inspiring.

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 16

Loving Message:  Before entering a potentially toxic situation, which could be a meeting in person, a telephone conversation, or even reading an email from somebody negative, always remember to ask for psychic protection from your angles and guides in the spiritual realm.  Not only will this boost your confidence, but it will allow you to see with clear focus the situation at hand.

Angel Picture

I’m digging the early morning meditations because they are so easy!  I sit up on the side of the bed, take pencil and paper in hand, calm my mind (which is already very calm from sleep) then ask for my spirit guides to meet me at the meeting place so I can begin asking questions and listening for answers.  Sometimes I do not need to write down anything because the information I receive is so simple and easy to remember, and other days I take quick notes immediately after I finish.

Today I knew I would need to take notes because I had an important meeting with my (soon to be ex) husband about parenting time issues.  It was not a legal meeting, however, communications with my (soon to be ex – oh, let’s just call him A, for our shared last name) husband since filing for divorce have been slim and mostly by email.  So I was not looking forward to the meeting one little bit and felt that I needed help to get through it.

“Please tell me more information about today,” I asked and immediately received the following:

  • First, remember that you have been through divorce once before in this lifetime, and while you did not see the benefit of it  at the time, you were able to trust us and follow our guidance.
  • If you were able to do this 14 years ago, then now it should be a piece of cake because you have advanced in life skills and spirituality.
  • Know that this divorce marks the beginning of your new life and it has already begun.
  • The timing of the meeting is synchronistic.  It is happening at the perfect time.
  • Be thankful for today.

Then I asked, “Is there something I can do to make it easier?”  And I received:

  • Be emotionally detached during the meeting.
  • Take the position of observer.
  • Call on your angels and spirit guides to protect you.
  • Psychically “zip up” by placing yourself in a protective bubble and visualizing that you zip it up air tight as if you were an astronaut.
  • Know that we have your back.

The good news is that I did all of these things beforehand and they worked like a charm.  I received vital information during the meeting, information that I would not have had the clarity to perceive if I my vibration had been dulled by fear or emotions. Thanks to my morning meditation, prayers and love vibrations, I made it through a very difficult situation and felt good at the same time.  Thank you!

Are you new to mediation?  Try viewing this 10 minute guided meditation:

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Namaste, Beth