My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 108

Message of Love: Expect to become what you so wish to become and you will be guided along the way to your destiny.

~ Natural Beauty ~

As a very young girl, I have vivid, frightful memories of being physically lifted off the ground with the angry kick from my dad. A towering 6’4” man, his behavior would shift dramatically from one moment to the next. When I was in my 20’s, I had the pleasure of re-living and remembering this experience while visiting my father and his new family, including his young toddler daughter. At the dinner table, he would carry on in a silly fashion with this lovely, spirited little girl. She loved it and ate it up until he switched over to being serious and expected her to follow suit, pronto. Well, of course at her age she could not and next what I witnessed felt very similar to what I experienced as a child.

What followed was an ugly, angry outburst. The insults, threats, and assaults that came out of his mouth felt like sharp, piercing daggers which were thrown at his own baby. And his wife said and did nothing protective for her daughter, probably much like my own acted when it occurred to me and my siblings. As her laughter and fun ended, she cried broken heartedly. How could she understand what she had done and why this was happening to her?

~ Divine ~

While witnessing the same scene that I had experienced throughout my childhood, I found myself unable to say anything. I felt like I was the small child who was being yelled at so violently. So I sat in silence, feeling ashamed and guilty, and more than anything else, wanting to get the heck out of there.

Today I realize that this interaction with my father, more than anything else in my lifetime, has shaped not only my people pleasing behavior, but also my deep seated and false belief that I am a victim. This mentality underlies my choices within my relationships. The role of victim has been played by me in many lifetimes and is the sea of darkness inside of me which is producing repetitive cycles of self-inflicted hurt and pain.

I see it.

It is no longer a secret.

And I vow to unleash my inner dragon to conquer this darkness so that I may become the enlightened, multi-dimensional being that I so desire to Be.

With Courage Facing the Unknown, Beth

“You don’t have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you’re going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 107

Divine Message:  Be brave and continue to face the darkness that is inside of you.  You will be very glad that you did.

~ Challenge ~

At times resistance rears its ugly head in my life and at those times, I am faced with a very challenging choice: to delve into the painful past in order to shed light on it and heal from it, or to continue feeling angry at myself and the drama I have created.  This appears to be a very easy choice, and it is, however, when amidst the crisis all my brain tells me to do is to run.  Avoid it.  Deny it.  Repress it.

So what have I done?  Most recently, I found myself falsely believing once again that I had easily forgiven myself, healed and moved on.  But what had really changed?  Nothing has changed, except that I had created yet one more misstep on my divine path.  Was the impatience inside of me masking something greater?

As the years of old, suppressed pains and emotions manifest themselves in current unpleasant life situations, I created yet another unhealthy addiction cycle: the need to purge, release and forgive myself.  Yes, this cycle can be healthy, but for me, as I continued to bring about the same bad feelings in my relationships, I recently began to feel there was something much more dark that I needed to face in order to break this old, hurtful pattern.  But what was it?

~ Change ~

Then I received a loving message from my Earth Angel.  It read:

“You are in the process of learning that there is a time for releasing and and time for creating. You are in the process of releasing a very strong embedded, ingrained belief in all your levels of being…it is called a victim consciousness. You have been living many lives by this belief and your choices are based on this belief, therefore, you only ‘see’ a lesson from one dimension, one side of a box. There is now a call on you to have a personal, solo, time of a major releasing ceremony to release all limits, all circumstances where you thought and think yourself to be a victim of others intentions and actions.”

~ Growth ~

This message resonated deeply with me.  It made sense.  I asked for guidance and assistance in how to perform such a ceremony.  I felt confident that I would receive the necessary information as needed.

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 87

Message of Love:  Set your intention for love and we will Always assist You.



~ Open Channels ~


My body is working through some old energies lately, and on Sunday my left knee hurt a little bit plus in the evening I developed another acne on my chin.

“What’s up now?” I thought, not wanting another spike in toxic energy like I had the week before.  In the morning I felt great, but the after I picked up the boys I began feeling like my energy was off.

I knew something had triggered these changes in my body, but I didn’t fully understand so I referred to Louise Hay’s book again, Heal Your Body A-Z, and looked up knee.

“Represents pride and ego,” it read.



~ Universal Love ~



“Well, that makes sense,” I thought, remembering the Portland to Coast training walk I had gone on the day before.  At some point on the walk I realized that I was in the lead, walking and talking with a friend who runs 19 miles on the weekends to train for marathons.  My body was exerting quite a lot of effort, so I consciously made the choice to drop back and then I felt better.  Even though I did not set out to compete on this training walk, there was some old energy from the ego that caused me to go for the lead, so I got it why the muscles of my knee were overworked and painful.

And what about the acne?  I figured that one out, too, and I will share it with you tomorrow.

Blissfully Smiling, Beth





“When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of attraction that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 86

Love Message:  Look for the deeper meaning in healing physical pain.

~ Love ~

Over the years as I practiced physical therapy, I began to feel that my treatments were missing a very large piece of the puzzle.  Some people freely and easily healed from their physical injuries, while others simply did not.  Then once I began my spiritual journey I came to understand that physical therapy primarily addresses the mechanical causes of pain in the body and touches on mental involvement with education and independent instruction, while completely leaving out the emotional and spiritual causes and effects.

~ Healthy Body ~

The weekend before my intense experience with releasing the toxic emotions of anger and fear, I noticed two very small changes in my physical body.  #1, A small red bump developed on my chin, and #2, the joint between my foot and my left big toe began to hurt as I walked.  I consulted with Heal Your Body A-Z by Louise Hay and read:

Acne:  Not accepting the self. Dislike of the self.

Face:  Represents what we show the world.

Foot:  Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life.

Toe:  Represents the minor details of the future.

~ Louise Hay ~

At the time, I was feeling good and did not fully realize that it was a warning sign for the week to come.  Fortunately, I did remember that acne is always present on my face during and after fearful situations in my life.  This knowledge helped me to make it through the week.  While I did become overwhelmed at some point with these toxic emotions, the entire time I spent under water was less than a day, thanks to my attention to changes in my body.

And after the blow-out, I recognized the connection between the physical pains I had been experiencing and the great amount of fear that was welling up inside me.  The acne/face issues were related to a false belief system from my childhood about being fat and unlovable.  And the details/future issues were related to worrisome thoughts about my current financial situation.

And the best part is that immediately after releasing the emotional toxins I no longer had foot or toe pain and the acne on my face healed overnight.

In Peace and Love, Beth

“The most magnificent Creators don’t want to get together with people who think just like they do. They’re looking for people who have other thoughts, because out of the contradiction, comes ideas that could not be born out of sameness. Your relationships will be ultimately more if you’re not identical twins just “yessing, yessing, yessing” to everything that the other one is about.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 76

Spirit Message:  Numbers hold important meaning, look beyond the surface and you will understand.

~ Numerology ~

Lately the numbers 5 and 6 have been coming up for me.  The grocery store receipt for $56.66 and the odometer reading 65,655 miles are some examples.  Then there is the clock, with 5:55 and 6:55, etc.  I even woke up this morning at 5:35, 3 being a derivative of 6.

~ Pay Attention ~

What does all of this mean?  When synchronicity happens it is always specific to the individual.  As you become more aware of these non-coincidences in your life, you will understand their meaning.  Here are some examples of meanings for me and how I arrived at them:

The #5 represents flexibility, adventure and freedom.  When I see this number repeated, not only do I know I am in the flow, connected to my divine self, but also I know that I am moving in the direction of life, full of adventure and enjoying my new freedom of separation.  I also feel that the amount of excitement and joy that I experience Now will only increase as I stay on track and feel good.

The #6 represents unity, harmony and balance.  It is also my birth month and day, as I am a 6/6/6 baby.  This number is my ultimate goal in this lifetime, to experience balance and enlightenment while at the same time enjoying myself in each moment of the day.  So when I see this number repeated, I realize that I am doing well in this area of my growth and at the same time I am reminded to stay focused on what is important.

So how do you begin to find meaning in numbers?  Begin by paying attention to the numbers that are present in your life, anything and everything included.  Set your intention to notice this type of synchronicity and you will, simple as that.  For example, sometimes I will be watching a YouTube video and just happen to glance down at the playing time at the precise moment that an important message is being relayed to me from my guides through the computer screen.  And as a result, I get the deeper meaning in the information.  Try it and have fun!

In Joyful Reflection, Beth

“There isn’t anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 72

Message of Love:  There is a force within You that is tremendously powerful and as you awake you unlock its essence.

~ Life is Vivid ~

All those years ago when I discovered adultery by my husband(s), I thought that somehow it was my fault — that I wasn’t pretty enough or thin enough or sexy enough.

~ Inner Beauty ~

Now I understand that I drew the same lesson to myself in both my marriages so that I would learn that I Am enough.  I am an eternal being of light settled into physical form for the sole purpose of ascension in this lifetime.  I am connected to All and All is love.  I recognize my divine connection and reflect the love that is inside of me.

Of course I am enough…  for I Am All.

Eternal Blessings of Light, Beth

“When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn’t have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 65

~ Massage ~

Gentle Message:  Be kind to your body and it will remain in it’s natural state of health.

~ Power ~

I am now at the end of my hectic week and my shoulders and neck are feeling tight.  Because of my background in physical therapy, I know how to relieve muscle tension with self massage techniques.  And it only takes 30 minutes max to make a world of difference.

~ Relax Your Muscles ~

I lie on my back on the carpeted floor and place tennis balls underneath me, working my way from the posterior pelvis all the way to the base of my head.  You can try this with smaller balls or even washcloth rolls, depending on the amount of pain and muscle spasm you have in the area.  A simple rule to apply is that if it is too intense then back off, using something smaller and/or softer until you are able to hold  it in place and concentrate on several deep breaths until the tenderness subsides.

~ Relax ~

If you have any numbness in your extremities, balance issues, night pains, loss of coordination or muscle weakness, you should consult with a physician before you try this.

I’ve included some YouTube vids below to give you an idea on these techniques.

And I’m off to give my body some rest, pampering and love.

In Divine Joy,


“You can’t take sides against anything. If you would just leave the “against” part out; if you would just be one who is for things – you would live happily ever after…”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 37

Pretty Purple Flowers



Loving Message:  The mistake that many people make is thinking that there is something they can do to create change in their lives.   Yes, action is vital but only if it is action done from inspiration and love.  Action done from a place of not feeling good is resistance and will push away your true desires.


Pastel Sweetpea Flowers


I went to sleep last night planning on going to the gym today and exercising, full cardio output.  During the night, however, I woke up with neck pain and spasm after not sleeping well, dreaming about the well fare of my children during this divorce transition.  Maybe it was the effects of yesterday’s solar flare, but what ever the reason, when I woke up this morning I was not in any pain, but my body did not feel energetic.  As a matter of fact, it hardly felt rested.

Ten years ago I would not have listened to my body.  I would have gone to the gym anyway, forcing the muscles to do as my mind dictates, falsely believing it would help my situation.  And I probably would have ended up in worse shape, with neck pain and a virus.  My go, go, go attitude has caused many setbacks in my life.

Now, I choose to listen to my body and when it says to rest, that is exactly what I do.  Because I am more closely connected to my body through meditation, intention and sleeping without clothes, I am finding it easy to quell my mind’s negative influence.  I no longer believe that it is the amount of exercise (hours/week, reps/minute, weight/rep, etc.) that provides physical well being, rather it is the quality of exercise.  When I listen to my body, I am able to return to my regular exercise routine much more quickly with better results than if I ignore it and push, push, push.  In essence, all this pushing does nothing more than keep me in a state of resistance, which is something the body will react negatively to, in the form of illness, injury, or worse.

So today I will be content to meditate, enjoy a walk with my puppy and to send loving, healing energies to my body so that I am ready for the next big adventure.

Peace and Love, Beth



My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 34

Loving Message:  It is up to you to provide nurturing, gentleness and love to your body.

Cleansing Bath

Today my goal was to take ultimate care of myself, so I took a long, steamy cleansing bath and boy did it feel good.  This is the perfect pampering for your body when it feels the effects of stress.  Here are some instructions to get started:

  1. Begin filling your bath with extra hot water.
  2. Add 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 sea salts or a pre-made bath salts mixture.
  3. Select relaxing herbal scents for the room such as lavender, chamomile or rosemary.  This can be in the form of a lighted candle or incense.
  4. Turn on some gentle, relaxing music.
  5. Dim the lights in the room.
  6. Prepare your towel for when you are finished so you won’t have to go far.
  7. When the tub is 3/4 the way full, get in and begin with a prayer for release and healing.  It can be something like this, “Please help me in relaxing and releasing all negative energies.”
  8. Say a word of thanks to your angels and spirit guides for their assistance.
  9. Then simply allow your mind to go blank as you focus on breathing and healing.
  10. After at least 20 minutes, ask your angels and guides to assist you in filling yourself up again with loving white light energy from the Universe.  Imagine that you are in a shower of white light and it is filling you from your toes to the tip of your head.
  11. When you are done, remember to lavish your skin with lotions and perfume.  While you are applying them, tell yourself  that you are applying love to your body.
  12. And lastly, thank your body for it’s work on your behalf in this journey and promise to take care of it regularly.

Joy, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 33

Spirit Message:  On the road of life there are many possible routes which all lead to the same final destination: love of Self.

Lovers Walking on Beach

Lovers Walking on Beach

I watched the movie “Dear John” yesterday.  It’s a lovely movie about broken promises, healing, autism and young love.  The main character, John, is in the military and instead of moving home to marry his true love, he decides to re-enlist after the 9/11 incident.  At some point, John stops receiving letters from home.  He finds out later that his girl married someone else and he works through the ensuing emotions of betrayal, anger and hurt.  I won’t spoil the ending for you because I do recommend watching this movie.  It is about healing not only on a personal level, but because of the historical perspective it is about healing on a global level as the impact of 9/11 is explored.

After watching this movie, I understood the positive messages, however, I went to sleep feeling that something deeper for me needed to be exposed.  In my prayers before sleep, I asked my guides to help me access this deeper pain that the movie was prompting me to remember.  After a more than normal stressful week, I passed out without even turning out my bedside lamp.  I woke up at midnight and realized what had happened.  Then as I returned to sleep, I heard from my guides the “Dear John” movie connection.


Dear John

Dear John

While I was in graduate school, I had the opportunity to live in Denver, Colorado for 6 weeks and during my visit I met a great guy.  He was different from any other person I had dated because he was honest, kind and gentle.  We met just before he was to leave the country to teach English in the Peace Corps.  Before leaving for Africa, he visited me in Alabama and I promised to go visit him after graduation.  Then I all too quickly reverted to my self defeating choices when he left and I became engaged to my first husband, the abuser.  I never had realized the pain that my friend must have felt when he received my letter, and for that I sent out waves of forgiveness energies, to him and to myself.

“Why did I make such a huge mistake?” I asked my guides while in meditation.

“There are no mistakes, only choices,” they answered.  “You chose a more challenging path when you made this choice, but in the end only the outcome is important.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Although it looks murky when you try to figure things out with your mind, when you reach into your soul for an overview things become more clear,” my guides said.  “If you had committed to a relationship with Mark then you would have still needed to learn the same life lessons.  Lessons about betrayal, death, separation, depression, loss.  Either person you chose would have mirrored what was lacking inside of your heart.  The outcome would have been the same.”

“What outcome?” I asked, still feeling confusion.

“The outcome of self love,” they answered.

“Oooooh,” I said in my head, “That outcome!”  As I sat in continued meditation, I felt Universal Love fill me up.  I felt it spilling over into the room and then filling that up.  It spilled and spilled until my whole house was filled and then the yard followed by the block and the neighborhood.  Before ending my meditation, this love had filled Mother Earth and I could feel her healing energies joining with mine.

So I had not made a bad choice after all, only a more challenging one.  And thanks to the challenges in my life, here I am today, a powerful, love inspired creator.

Thank you!

In Peace, Beth