My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 73

Loving Message:  At All times you are given a choice.  Each choice leads to the ultimate outcome of spiritual growth and advancement.  This is why you are alive on planet earth Now.

~ Mother Earth ~

On the subject of infidelity, I recently received a friend request on FB from someone who had an affair with the husband I am now divorcing.  I found myself looking at her wall, pics and videos and felt traces of old anger arise.  It didn’t take me long to realize that what I was doing was changing my energy level, causing me to feel bad.  So I turned my computer off and sought assistance from my guides through meditation.

~ Meditation ~

“Why would someone have an affair with a man who is not only married but has kids?” I ask.

“The answer is about choice, both yours and hers,” I hear my guides explain.

“My choice?” I ask, feeling frustrated because somehow I knew this was coming.

“Yes, you married a man who admitted to this type of behavior in the past and you chose to overlook it,” they said.

“I suppose I did,” I remembered.  “I thought it wouldn’t happen with me.”

“This is where you chose to listen to your mind and not your intuition,” they said.  “And how do you feel now?”

“I feel angry at myself for making the choices that led to the horrible state of divorce that I am in,” I said.  “But at the same time, I remember to forgive myself and let it go.  I am thankful for the two radiant children that I now have in my life.”

“And how do you feel about this other woman?” they asked.

“I get the connection.  I understand her role in my life and I choose to not waste another ounce of energy feeling bad about it,” I said, feeling my frequency adjusting and elevating.

“Bravo,” they cheered, “Even though you dealt with this hurt and loss many years ago, it needed to be revisited in the Now in order for you to fully heal from your divorce.  And as a result, the amount of earthly time you must spend in this process is shortened.  Go Now and be joyful for this is why you are on earth at this precise moment of time.”

“Thank you,” I say out loud.  “Thank you!”

In Joyful Being-ness, Beth

“When you acknowledge what you do not want, and then ask yourself, “What is it that I do want?” you begin a gradual shift into the telling of your new story and into a much-improved point of attraction.

You get the essence of what you think about – whether you want it or not – because Law of Attraction is unerringly consistent – therefore, you are never only telling the story of “how it is now.” You are also telling the future experience that you are creating right now.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 72

Message of Love:  There is a force within You that is tremendously powerful and as you awake you unlock its essence.

~ Life is Vivid ~

All those years ago when I discovered adultery by my husband(s), I thought that somehow it was my fault — that I wasn’t pretty enough or thin enough or sexy enough.

~ Inner Beauty ~

Now I understand that I drew the same lesson to myself in both my marriages so that I would learn that I Am enough.  I am an eternal being of light settled into physical form for the sole purpose of ascension in this lifetime.  I am connected to All and All is love.  I recognize my divine connection and reflect the love that is inside of me.

Of course I am enough…  for I Am All.

Eternal Blessings of Light, Beth

“When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn’t have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 71

Love Message:  When you are ready for the next step you will be presented with many opportunities to grow and learn.

~ Completion ~

I have been asking for less healing through dreams and more healing through daytime connections so that I wake up feeling rested and full of energy.  As a result, this morning when I woke up I thought of the number seven.  Do you know what I like about the #7?  It is the number of completion, the end of a cycle.

~ Rebirth ~

Today I remember that 7 years ago I found evidence of extra marital affairs.  While some part of me asks why did I stay in the marriage all these miserable years, another far greater part knows the answer.  I was not ready.  I chose to live a lie and as a result I manifested giant lessons.  By the time my eyes were opened and I awakened, the warning signals had reached the extreme level.

~ Life ~

And here I am 4 months into separation and it feels like I am no where near final settlement and divorce papers…  Then I am reminded of the number seven and I understand that All is well.  I am at the end of an unloving marriage and at the beginning of a new life.  I am reborn.  I have learned from my past mistakes and I know what I want in life.

I want love.

I Am love.

And so are You.

In Joy, Beth

“The Eternal Laws of the Universe steadily hold the promise of expansion and joy. Understanding the Laws will reawaken within you the knowledge of your purpose and your own personal power as you remember how to access the power of the Universe that creates worlds.

If this time-space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute that this time-space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same desire. It is Law.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physcial Realm 21

Message of Love:  When someone has betrayed your intimacy, not only must they seek their own healing so that they may grow and evolve as a loving being, but you also must do the same because in essence you drew the situation to yourself in order to master important life lessons.


This statement of love pretty much condenses what has been on my plate for healing in the past 24 hours: betrayal, unfaithfulness, lies…  Last night I had nightmares which reminded me of a very important part of this divorce/healing process that I need to bring out into the open to heal.  My guides have been with me all day helping me work through this issue and I am very proud of myself for the speed at which I transformed my energy from one of anger to one of letting go.  I cannot change the past.  The only thing I can change is my desire to live a happy, fulfilled life and each moment that I spend remembering the negatives keeps me at the same frequency that drew the situation in the first place.

Bashar has helped me fill and then release the ashes from many loads of burning pots, full of unloving thoughts about betrayal.  It is not a pretty sight, but an essential one in the healing process.  I remember 15 years ago when I divorced my first husband (guess what – he betrayed me, too).  I spent at least an hour/day for the first month writing down my grievances hundreds of times on a giant poster board.  When it was filled I was so disgusted at the sight of so many hurtful, hateful words that I freely released the energy when I dumped the board into the recycling.

What I did not work through at that time was the need for self love above all else, so, unfortunately, I drew another person into my life to relearn the same lesson.  Thankfully, now that I have connected with my spirit guides and angels, I not only hope for but I expect to fully heal from this process… one day at a time…

In Love and Peace,  Beth

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