My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 95

Divine Guidance:  As with everything, you have a choice.  You can either focus on what causes you emotional pain or you can notice the littlest of things that bring joy to your heart.  When you are in alignment, you feel good, simple as that.

~ Beautiful Decoration ~

I found better-feeling emotions about the “to move or not to move” dilemma this past weekend.  My friend and I went around the neighborhood for a tour of homes currently on the market, and we started on the top of the Northwest Hills where some of the homes could be on “The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.”  We “Oooh’d” and “Ahhh’d” over the beautiful decorations, artwork and extravagant interior designs, selecting our favorite wall colors, flooring and lighting fixtures.   Many of the homes had expansive views to the west, including the Cascade Mountains.

~ Portland, Oregon ~

It was all very fun and exciting, however, at some point my wicked brain tried to torture me a bit, pointing out that my house is not furnished, and not only that, but that I have never in my adult life owned new furniture.  The little bit that was new is gone with the soon to be ex-husband, and now my house sits, mostly empty, and undecorated, with $10 bedside tables from Target, and so on, in my typical blah blah blah mental pattern…

As I felt my joyful energy waning with the ugly tugs of my ego, attempting to drag me down into the self-pity abyss, we drove past a house on a hill and it caught my eye.  It had an open house sign out front, and low and behold, it was the same house I fell in love with 3 years ago when we were house hunting.  A wave of enthusiasm struck me.  We went inside and my passion peaked as we walked from room to room, taking in the gorgeous yard views from all over.

Finally we left my favorite house and I felt wonderful, knowing that my emotions were not specifically about the house, rather, my angels were reminding me that no matter where I end up living that I will be joyful and my children will share in the experience… and that is all that matters.

In Excited Anticipation, Beth

“The most important thing that you can teach your children is that Well-being abounds. And that Well-being is naturally flowing to them. And that if they will relax and reach for thoughts that feel good, and do their best to appreciate, then they will be less likely to keep the Well-being away, and more likely to allow it to flow into their experience. Teach them the art of allowing.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 73

Loving Message:  At All times you are given a choice.  Each choice leads to the ultimate outcome of spiritual growth and advancement.  This is why you are alive on planet earth Now.

~ Mother Earth ~

On the subject of infidelity, I recently received a friend request on FB from someone who had an affair with the husband I am now divorcing.  I found myself looking at her wall, pics and videos and felt traces of old anger arise.  It didn’t take me long to realize that what I was doing was changing my energy level, causing me to feel bad.  So I turned my computer off and sought assistance from my guides through meditation.

~ Meditation ~

“Why would someone have an affair with a man who is not only married but has kids?” I ask.

“The answer is about choice, both yours and hers,” I hear my guides explain.

“My choice?” I ask, feeling frustrated because somehow I knew this was coming.

“Yes, you married a man who admitted to this type of behavior in the past and you chose to overlook it,” they said.

“I suppose I did,” I remembered.  “I thought it wouldn’t happen with me.”

“This is where you chose to listen to your mind and not your intuition,” they said.  “And how do you feel now?”

“I feel angry at myself for making the choices that led to the horrible state of divorce that I am in,” I said.  “But at the same time, I remember to forgive myself and let it go.  I am thankful for the two radiant children that I now have in my life.”

“And how do you feel about this other woman?” they asked.

“I get the connection.  I understand her role in my life and I choose to not waste another ounce of energy feeling bad about it,” I said, feeling my frequency adjusting and elevating.

“Bravo,” they cheered, “Even though you dealt with this hurt and loss many years ago, it needed to be revisited in the Now in order for you to fully heal from your divorce.  And as a result, the amount of earthly time you must spend in this process is shortened.  Go Now and be joyful for this is why you are on earth at this precise moment of time.”

“Thank you,” I say out loud.  “Thank you!”

In Joyful Being-ness, Beth

“When you acknowledge what you do not want, and then ask yourself, “What is it that I do want?” you begin a gradual shift into the telling of your new story and into a much-improved point of attraction.

You get the essence of what you think about – whether you want it or not – because Law of Attraction is unerringly consistent – therefore, you are never only telling the story of “how it is now.” You are also telling the future experience that you are creating right now.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 72

Message of Love:  There is a force within You that is tremendously powerful and as you awake you unlock its essence.

~ Life is Vivid ~

All those years ago when I discovered adultery by my husband(s), I thought that somehow it was my fault — that I wasn’t pretty enough or thin enough or sexy enough.

~ Inner Beauty ~

Now I understand that I drew the same lesson to myself in both my marriages so that I would learn that I Am enough.  I am an eternal being of light settled into physical form for the sole purpose of ascension in this lifetime.  I am connected to All and All is love.  I recognize my divine connection and reflect the love that is inside of me.

Of course I am enough…  for I Am All.

Eternal Blessings of Light, Beth

“When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn’t have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 71

Love Message:  When you are ready for the next step you will be presented with many opportunities to grow and learn.

~ Completion ~

I have been asking for less healing through dreams and more healing through daytime connections so that I wake up feeling rested and full of energy.  As a result, this morning when I woke up I thought of the number seven.  Do you know what I like about the #7?  It is the number of completion, the end of a cycle.

~ Rebirth ~

Today I remember that 7 years ago I found evidence of extra marital affairs.  While some part of me asks why did I stay in the marriage all these miserable years, another far greater part knows the answer.  I was not ready.  I chose to live a lie and as a result I manifested giant lessons.  By the time my eyes were opened and I awakened, the warning signals had reached the extreme level.

~ Life ~

And here I am 4 months into separation and it feels like I am no where near final settlement and divorce papers…  Then I am reminded of the number seven and I understand that All is well.  I am at the end of an unloving marriage and at the beginning of a new life.  I am reborn.  I have learned from my past mistakes and I know what I want in life.

I want love.

I Am love.

And so are You.

In Joy, Beth

“The Eternal Laws of the Universe steadily hold the promise of expansion and joy. Understanding the Laws will reawaken within you the knowledge of your purpose and your own personal power as you remember how to access the power of the Universe that creates worlds.

If this time-space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute that this time-space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same desire. It is Law.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 52

Message from Spirit:  Always remember that You are loved, loving and lovable.

~ Independence ~ Unity ~ One ~

I felt sad earlier.  After learning that my lawyer has connections in Aiken, South Carolina, I felt excited and called my dad.  We lived in Columbia, S.C. for my early childhood and I have memories of Aiken.  He gave me the story of Aiken and the old friends that we used to visit when I was 6 years old, but the story was tainted with his lack of compassion.  Somehow I was not prepared for yet another insult to me about my divorce and life choices.

I have learned to say nothing in response to his casual, cutting remarks because it doesn’t make me feel any better.  So when I feel insulted, I simply notice it and address it with myself when I’m off the phone with him.

“Why do I set myself up for the same thing every time?” I say to myself, feeling very frustrated and angry.

“What are you angry about, Beth,” my guides question me.

“I’m frustrated because he says passive aggressive things to me that get me angry.  He is not supportive and acts like he doesn’t even care about me or what I am going through,” I vent.

“Whether or not he cares should be of no concern to you,” they answer.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because since when have you gone back to depending on others to feel good, to allowing others to ’cause’ you to feel bad?” they ask.

“Yes, but he’s my father!” I demand.

“Doesn’t matter who or what it is.  It’s all the same energy.  And you are allowing it to drag down your vibration,” they replied.

“I can’t argue with that,” I say, still not feeling better.  “But how do I get my vibration back to where it was before I called him?”

“Breathe.  Forgive yourself.  Forgive him.  Remember something about your relationship that is joyful,” they say.

~ Peace ~

So I take in several deep breaths and forgive myself and him.  Then I go about my business and happen to walk past the fish tank.  My oldest son loves the underwater scene and recently selected an albino frog and an eel to join the fish and snails.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the eel was hanging out inside one of the decorative “rocks.”  He had been hanging out a lot inside this same spot and I was happy about it because that meant that he wouldn’t be digging up the plants, in search of a hiding space.

“I get it!” I thought because all of a sudden I knew what to remember about my relationship with my dad.  Growing up, he worked to provide a safe place for me to live.  I have very fond memories of the many homes we lived in, from Atlanta, Georgia to S.C. and Birmingham, Alabama.  Finally, one hour later, I had shifted my energy back to normal.

Thanks, Dad!  Another challenge has been learned and replaced with love.

In Light, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 32

Message of Love:  In life on earth, the need for forgiveness is eternal.  As you heal from this painful process of divorce, you will discover new areas that need forgiveness.  Ask your angels and guides to assist in the forgiveness process.


Last night’s nightmares brought a new realization to me, a very painful one.

I have a very beautiful little sister.  Growing up we were very close in age and even shared a bedroom until our teenage years.  While we were very bonded as siblings, we were also very different and as a result we fought a lot.  I was the bossy one and she was the quieter one who would do what I said most of the time.  Unfortunately for her, I often took out my anger and depression on her by pointing blame or making fun of instead of connecting on a deeper level.   Through our teenage years when Mother was sick and dying of cancer, we began communicating in a more mature manner.  While we did not share our feelings, we did share time together doing what we enjoyed with friends.

Then came my brain surgery.  I noticed at the time that the person most affected by it was my little sister.  She was not married at the time, and she stepped forward to help me get to doctor appointments and anything else I needed.  We had been through more than one death together and my brain surgery was enough to knock us both off our feet.  So we started talking more and connecting in a more meaningful way.

What I saw in my nightmare about my explosive ex-husband was my sister, cowering in the corner.   She was with me, a part of me, and was experiencing the same amount of abuse as I was.  After I awoke, I asked my guides, “Why was she in the dream?”  What I heard next was so intense that I have not dealt with it until just now.

“Your sister was with you because you helped her connect with her abuser.  You led her into his hands.  And then you walked away.  You dumped him on her then you ignored your intuition that told you it was wrong, that something was distorted about him.  You never once explained to your loving little sister what you did.  And now you need to ask for forgiveness,” my guides said.

A Rose for My Sister

You see, my little sister also married a low frequency, abusive man, who, even though they are now divorced, continues to be present in her life and in the lives of her 2 young daughters.  Until last night, I had completely denied my involvement.  Can you imagine?  My mother is gone so I am next in line to help guide and assist in the growth of my little sister.  She never offered me anything but love.

Please forgive me, my sister.

Please forgive me, Me.  Help me to find forgiveness, my angels, my guides, my mother.

In Love, Beth

Disneyland: 5 Life Lessons I Learned On Vacation


Minnie and Mickey Mouse

I recently went on a week-long vacation with my husband, 2 young sons and mother-in-law to Anaheim, CA.  We rented a house only 5 minutes from the main Disney parks and each day was fully planned with wonderful adventure, activities, food and fun.  The weather was a nice change from Portland’s chilly and rainy air because the sun came out every day and it warmed up to 70+ degrees F most days.

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo

It was not Spring Break for the boys so they were required to finish homework each morning before we left the house.  This method worked very well because by the time we came home at the end of the day they were way too tired for anything else!


Legoland California

Our adventures took us to Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, Legoland, The San Diego Zoo and Balboa Beach.  Each day was enjoyable and I learned several life lessons along the way.  Here is a list of my top 5:

  1. CONNECT WITH YOUR INNER CHILD. This is essential when going to Disneyland and other adventures.  Remember what it was like to be a child and go on your first thrilling ride and then take this energy with you when you go on rides as an adult.  It will boost your enthusiasm and you will find much pleasure in even the three-year old rides.  When we returned and I was at the local grocery store check-out, the teenager bagger asked me if Disneyland is really the happiest place on earth.  My response, “Absolutely! As long as I am joyous anyplace on earth is the happiest!”
  2. BE YOUR OWN GUIDE. Whether you are in an amusement park with 10,000 other people or at the grocery store with 20, it is important to follow your intuition or gut instinct.  When you are following your inner guidance system you can be confident and self-assured instead of worrying about what other people think or say about you.  Go ahead and scream, laugh or cry on the rides!
  3. THINK POSITIVE. Some of the rides at these theme parks are extreme and frightening for children as well as adults.  It is important to release any fear you have about the ride before you go on it because The Universal Law of Attraction says that like attracts like.  In other words, if you are afraid you will get hurt and you take this energy with you onto the ride, then your chances of actually suffering as a result magnify.  Of course, follow the safety protocols for the rides and if you qualify then either don’t go on the ride if you are unable to shift your energy about it, or think of something that makes you feel happy and tell yourself, “I can go on this ride, have fun and be safe!”  I learned my lesson about this when the extreme ride me and my 8-year-old son wanted to ride malfunctioned and then we had to wait to ride it.  Luckily, in the interim I was able to shift my energy so that the ride was a blast!
  4. FORGIVE OTHERS. The majority of people we encountered were friendly, however, there were occasionally people who were not, including rude and impatient people and one verbally aggressive man.  At these times when the other person’s behavior was not intentionally provoked by our group, I realized that forgiving them was best.  When you forgive another person you release the negative emotions surrounding it from yourself and you are then able to continue with fun and fabulous adventures!  While in Legoland, I was far from a family and heard the man verbally assaulting his wife.  When I turned to look he shouted hateful remarks toward me.  I turned him in to the park security, prayed for forgiveness and cleansed the negative frequencies from the interaction so much so that I did not even remember the incident until I began writing about forgiveness.
  5. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Let’s face it, 5 straight days of extra long excitement can wear anybody down.  Instead of sticking to a previously scheduled plan of events, it is beneficial to be flexible and to rest when necessary.  We ended up skipping Friday’s activities and hanging out at home and by the pool to rest instead.  It paid off because the next day we were able to fully enjoy our last day in California and our last day in Disneyland!