My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 98

Divine Guidance:  The more times that you choose to follow your intuition, the easier it becomes and the more spiritually powerful you feel.

~ The Lioness ~

It happened again last Friday.  I was playing tennis doubles and I heard the familiar ring tone and immediately became distracted, unable to serve into the box.  My soon to be ex-husband was calling.  That meant he wanted something.  It also meant that he would be pushing and attempting to manipulate.

As I felt the familiar energy of anger, I decided to use it to enhance my game.  The ladies chuckled as I announced who was calling and how I was going to harness my emotions and focus on power shots.  It really was quite funny because I am a novice player and typically need to be reminded of the score, the court rotations, etc.  After we all laughed, I felt better and went on to not only enjoy myself thoroughly, but also to win a few points here and there.

~ Power Animal ~

When the final game ended, I felt energized and happy.  It turned out that he did not call.  Someone else must have the same ring tone on their phone.  He did send several emails, however, and my intuition told me loud and clear to open carefully, so I read the first sentence or two and immediately forwarded to my lawyer.  There was some valuable information in the first sentence, however, and I will tell you all about it tomorrow…

In Loving Space, Beth

“What true patience is, is knowing that you want it and knowing that it’s coming and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way. Understand that you never get it done. So you might as well be patient. You never get it done, because every time you want and receive, you also receive a new perspective from which to want. Life is a constant unfolding of new desires and then a constant alignment to those desires.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 95

Divine Guidance:  As with everything, you have a choice.  You can either focus on what causes you emotional pain or you can notice the littlest of things that bring joy to your heart.  When you are in alignment, you feel good, simple as that.

~ Beautiful Decoration ~

I found better-feeling emotions about the “to move or not to move” dilemma this past weekend.  My friend and I went around the neighborhood for a tour of homes currently on the market, and we started on the top of the Northwest Hills where some of the homes could be on “The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.”  We “Oooh’d” and “Ahhh’d” over the beautiful decorations, artwork and extravagant interior designs, selecting our favorite wall colors, flooring and lighting fixtures.   Many of the homes had expansive views to the west, including the Cascade Mountains.

~ Portland, Oregon ~

It was all very fun and exciting, however, at some point my wicked brain tried to torture me a bit, pointing out that my house is not furnished, and not only that, but that I have never in my adult life owned new furniture.  The little bit that was new is gone with the soon to be ex-husband, and now my house sits, mostly empty, and undecorated, with $10 bedside tables from Target, and so on, in my typical blah blah blah mental pattern…

As I felt my joyful energy waning with the ugly tugs of my ego, attempting to drag me down into the self-pity abyss, we drove past a house on a hill and it caught my eye.  It had an open house sign out front, and low and behold, it was the same house I fell in love with 3 years ago when we were house hunting.  A wave of enthusiasm struck me.  We went inside and my passion peaked as we walked from room to room, taking in the gorgeous yard views from all over.

Finally we left my favorite house and I felt wonderful, knowing that my emotions were not specifically about the house, rather, my angels were reminding me that no matter where I end up living that I will be joyful and my children will share in the experience… and that is all that matters.

In Excited Anticipation, Beth

“The most important thing that you can teach your children is that Well-being abounds. And that Well-being is naturally flowing to them. And that if they will relax and reach for thoughts that feel good, and do their best to appreciate, then they will be less likely to keep the Well-being away, and more likely to allow it to flow into their experience. Teach them the art of allowing.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 90

Message of Love:  Pay attention to which pathways feel easy to you and follow those.

~ Divine Path ~

Have you ever tried to run in water?  It might be good for training the highly physically fit individual, however, if you are interested in speed and ease of flow then flying would be a better option.  And this is how it is without intuitive guidance and with it.  One can seem very slow and arduous with plenty of suffering and pain, while the other feels free, joyful and adventuresome.

Each one of us has life lessons that we face on a daily basis and we can either choose to learn and grow from them or we can choose to deny them and allow them to grow in magnitude until we have a very big wake up call.  Sometimes this presents itself in the form of disease, and other times as addictions, accidents and even criminal behaviors.  Have you had a wake up call in your life?  Click on the below picture to read an article I wrote about it:

~ Join the Global Wake Up Call ~

The events leading up to my filing for divorce were a wake up call for me, and I have had several more minor ones since then.  Most recently, I realized that I had drawn a new friend to me who is a young addict.  I hold no judgments against this person, however, I am in the process of leaving one toxic relationship and I am not interested in manifesting another.  As I continued to spend time with this new friend, my guides reminded me that my first husband was an addict and that my second husband has similar negative energies.  I was told quite bluntly to end this new friendship sharply.  And if I continued to invest energy in this new friend, even though it was not romantic, that I would not manifest the unconditionally loving twin soul partnership that I dreamed for.

It was challenging for me, but I did it.  While I did see the light within this person, as well as within my 2 husbands, I recognize that I must not spend time with someone like this on a personal level so that I may heal during my divorce process and after.  And my guides tell me that once I am healed through my divorce that I will no longer be attracting this type of energy.  Even though I proceeded with a warning that the friendship in which I was attempting to help this other person could become unwise for me to continue, I made some promises to this person that I would continue to support him through his journey.  When I realized that I must break these promises, I felt some resistance from my ego, however, my guides then came through loud and clear that I may continue to offer this person spiritual support while no longer being an active participant.  They also said to offer forgiveness and love to this situation so that I may move forward in my healing process.

The new friend did not understand my choice, however, I must stand firm in my assertiveness and follow my guidance regardless of his feelings.  I am not a trained therapist, simply a divine traveler, willing to offer my personal experience through the written word to all who may connect and benefit from it.

In Loving Harmony and Forgiveness, Beth

“When you really, really want something, are thinking about your desire, and are feeling pleasure from your thought, your current thought vibration is in alignment with your desire – and we call that:  allowing.

But when you really, really want something and are feeling anger, fear, or disappointment, that means you are focused upon the opposite of your desire; and, in doing so, you are introducing another non-matching vibration to the mix – and we call that:  resistance.

The degree of negative emotion that you are experiencing indicates the degree of your resistance to your receiving your desire.” – Abrahan

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 68

Message of Love:  As you come into alignment with who you are, you draw to yourself relationships of respect and love for that which you Are.

~ Inner Beauty ~

This past weekend I went with some friends to a “Grease” sing-along.  You remember the John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John movie from 1978?  Yes, that’s the one…

When I was a pre-teen I completely identified with Sandy, the female lead.  I hadn’t seen the movie in so many years that when I watched it again, I enjoyed myself, laughing and singing out loud, but something felt off about it.  Expecting to understand my emotions later, I forgot about it until I woke up this morning and I realized that the character of Sandy represents immaturity and lack of self confidence in many ways.  While this can be entertaining, it can also give young girls such as myself a distorted impression of love.

The story is about two mis-matched teenagers falling in love, Danny and Sandy.  She is proper and comes from Australia while he is a member of the local gang.  They have a summer romance when he is not around his buddies and is able to show her his softer side.  But when they meet in high school, he is back to his rude behavior and Sandy feels insulted but continues to feel in love at the same time.

By the end of the movie, Danny earns a letter for track while Sandy completely re-invents herself into a sex queen with black tights, makeup and high heels.

Somewhere along the way I came to believe that I could change and mold to whoever came along in my life, and as a result I allowed myself to become a work horse.  I didn’t expect support or even assistance with taking out the garbage, so I got none.  And now that I have been separated for a few short months, I understand that I want differently.  When I asked for a divorce I had no idea how many things in my life I needed to change to come into alignment with who I Am.  But the important thing is that I recognize this now and I am willing to do whatever it takes to evolve… one day at a time…

In Peace and Love, Beth

~ Love ~

“When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there’s usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you’re going to get it. When you pose questions you don’t have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 49

Loving Message:  As you change and grow during your divorce process, expect your wants and needs to change also.  And know that your behind the scenes workers are already helping you to manifest your desires.

~ New Life ~

Today I am feeling thankful for my lawyer.   The longer I get to know her during this transition, the more I respect her and trust that she is another Earth Angel, sent here to assist me in manifesting the best possible outcome for my family.  It feels good to know that she has “got my back.”

Truly, along the way each day I come across someone who is compassionate and loving, whether it is in person, or via the ethernet.

~ Divine Intervention ~

During my darkest hours I put a lot of energy into asking for help.  I almost immediately began feeling assistance from my other worldly connections, and now I am feeling assistance in many different ways from my earthly connections.  For example, today I dropped off my car for repair, which is, by the way, an expensive job that is being done at no charge as a customer satisfaction solution.  Instead of concentrating on how unhappy I was with the faulty mechanical issue, I kept asking for help and putting out my desire to have the car repaired and working like new.  Almost 2 years later, I am receiving my desires and boy am I thankful for it!

Anyway, when I dropped off my car today, I had a conversation with the service associate.  As he was reviewing mailing address, etc, it came out that I am going through a divorce.  This man had gone through a divorce 6+ years ago and is now feeling good about it, after being stuck in depression for at least 5 of those years.  While he was the one talking, I heard his story and felt happy that he was now accepting his life and moving forward.  Then he looked me in the eyes and asked, “How are you doing with it?”  His eyes were full of compassion and concern for me, a complete stranger.  I felt touched by this display of love, which can only be explained by Divine connection, as We are One.

Thank you, my earthly connections.

In Peace, Beth

“Some things you’re not letting happen right now because the timing isn’t perfect for you. Some you’re not letting happen because you are very aware of where you are. But all things, as they are happening, are happening in perfect order. And if you will relax and begin saying, ‘Everything in its perfect time. Everything is unfolding. And I’m enjoying where I am now, in relationship to where I’m going. Content where I am, and eager for more,’ that is the perfect vibrational stance.”

— Abraham

“Each of us gets to have our own perspective from which we desire or prefer, and Source Energy answers every single one of us. There’s no shortage of Source; there’s no shortage of answers; there’s no shortage of substance. There’s no shortage of all of the stuff or non-stuff that any of us wants – there’s no shortage of it. It expands proportionately to our ability to desire it.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 42

Message of Love:  When you are transitioning through your divorce, at times it may feel like your problems outweigh those of your friends and family.  This is not so.  When a loved one cannot be there for you, accept it and move forward.  Send them love and light and soon you will feel their strength and support return.

~ Relax ~ Breathe ~

I took a break yesterday.  I didn’t even turn my computer on the entire day and it felt very nice.  My boys were home for President’s Day and we went for a hike in the woods with Coco.  The weather was cold and overcast, but not raining as we set out on our journey.  Horses travel on the trails we were walking, so Coco was very distracted and excited with the new smells.  Very quickly we were surrounded by bright green giants, moss and fern covered trees as far as the eye could see.  We had hiked these trails before, but I did not remember the colors looking so vivid and alive.  As we walked along even my youngest boy, who had been upset because he didn’t want to stop playing his video game, became quiet and absorbent to the surroundings.

~ Release ~ Rejuvenate ~

Today I woke up knowing that just as I had a rejuvenating break yesterday, my family and friends also deserve one.  My daily complaints and worries are weighing heavily on them and it is my job to do something about it.  So instead of phoning, emailing or messaging them, I am choosing to send them love and light so that they may heal and ascend with me during this process.

I give thanks to my friends and family for their love and support.

In Joy, Beth

The Joy of Synchronicity

I have a strong love for synchronicity and enjoy noticing its occurance every day in my life.  Synchronicity is a name used to define an event or circumstance that has no reason for happening, however, it is important for the person(s) within the situation.  A similar word is serendipity and there is a movie out with this name starring John Cusak, which I highly recommend viewing.



If you are interested in learning more about this topic then read this Squidoo lens that I wrote:

As you become more aware of synchronicity in your life, it becomes more aware of you and the wonderful adventure begins.  For example, my guides and angels know that I have a connection with numbers because I studied mathematics in college and it runs in the family.  So I decided to learn about numerology and now find meaning and serendipity in the simplest yet unexplainable things.

Here is an example of only a few of the synchronicities which occurred for me in the past week:

1.  During the night of 9.8.10 I woke up at 1:11 then again at 4:44 then again at 5:05.

2.  On 9.9.10 I wake up again at 1:11 and 4:44.  When I woke up at 1:11 I had a word on my mind.  As I began to ponder the meaning of the word, I remembered an important event from my childhood.  This gave me a strong sense of direction on my spiritual life path.  In other words, I got a green light for my next step forward on a new career.

3. That same morning a coyote visited our back yard.  My son, Victor, said, “Mom, look, it’s a fox.”  I dismissed it, thinking we do not have foxes in our neighborhood.  When he saw him a second time, however, I went to look and saw a very healthy coyote walking casually through our yard.  He glanced my way and then left.  The third time (and yes, the #3 is significant also) he just sat up, looking directly at us, from Victor’s eyes to mine, and I got it that he was waiting to also connect with Leo, my older child.  As soon as Leo saw him, he left for good.

It turns out that each of us received a unique message.  Mine was to pick back up the pen so to speak and complete my book for children, which has the coyote as one of the main characters.  Victor’s message was about transforming from playing tricks on himself to knowing that he is perfect already.  Leo’s message was about being able to tell jokes and laugh at himself in life.

4. The gym I attend is usually very crowded in the mornings and parking is limited.  As I am driving to the facility I ask my guides for my favorite parking space, right in front of the new entrance.  I haven’t calculated, but almost every time my space is available and I offer appreciation for it, especially on those cold, rainy days.

5. On 9.10.10 I wake up at 1:11 then 4:44 again.  I think of a friend and then see her at a pet store.

6. On 9.11.10 I wake up at 6:24 and then 6:33 and realize this is 6:6 and the number 3 for the trinity. I also remember a dream I had during the night and am able to understand it’s implications for me on that particular day.  I take the kids for a hike and we see a mass of garter snakes, intertwined, moving about and undisturbed by our proximity.  I immediately receive their message and share it with the boys, who receive joyfully as we continue.  Victor bought a small bug specimen container for the hike and wanted to find a snake to put in it for good viewing.  I said that it would have to be a tiny snake to be able to fit in the small space, so sure enough he finds one that is no more than 3″ long and Leo catches it for him.  The baby brown snake is happy when he is released next to a small stream soon after.

If you are interested in connecting with the joy of  synchronicity in your life then you are already on the right path!  Blessings and Light, Beth

The Joy of Synchronicity

Lessons On Abuse From A Loved One

Abuse of family members is one of the most prevalent concerns in our society.  Nine times out of ten the homicide victim knows their assailant before the crime is committed.  This topic reflects the current state of fear, anger and aggression that is rampant on our planet and that is also the cause of wars, genocides, and mass destruction.  Most people know someone who is the victim of abuse, whether they or their friend realizes it or not.

I have a friend who has a history of family abuse and has shared some of her traumas with me.  Fortunately, she divorced her physically, verbally and emotionally abusive husband many, many years ago.  Recently, she found herself subject to very similar behaviors from one of her most beloved family members, her only child.

While my friend has grown into a spiritually strong individual after many years of therapy and self study, during this recent onslaught of blame, hate and judgement from her son, she found herself reliving the past emotional scars and wounds.  The wounds inflicted by her child appear to run deeper than time itself.

Abuse causes such a tremendous amount of pain and suffering because not only does it harm the body, but it also harms the mind, the emotional self and the spirit.  Abuse is the absence of love.  It is fear based and has a low frequency vibration.  No wonder it feels so awful.


So what did my friend do when she realized what was going on?  The answer is a very powerful act of love:

1.  She prayed to her angels and guides for support and answers for the best possible outcome in the situation.

2.  She reached inside herself for the courage to manifest her desires.

3.  She forgave herself and then her child.

4.  And finally, she let him go.  She chose to let him make his own choices in life and in doing so she gave herself ultimate freedom and love.

As she progressed through the energy of her decision, she discovered that her angels had softly laid the path for her.  She felt their presence as things on his side were taken care of without further angry attacks.  It was not an easy process overall, however, many times the most challenging situations deliver the greatest opportunities for growth, unconditional love and peace.

As I reflect on this recent lesson, I am thankful that I have this special person in my life.  She sets a high standard on self love and gives us a wonderful example to follow.  After all, if we are unable to love ourselves then how can we claim to be Spiritual Beings?

A Letter On Physical Pain In The Sensitive Body

I recently received a letter from a friend on Face Book and was granted permission to share.  She has a history of childhood abuse and as an adult she experiences the sensitive body, full of day to day pains which are at times disabling.  Here  is her inspirational letter:

3D Toe Bling

3D Toe Bling

“As an Indigo seed child I found some info that has provided more clarification about pain and sickness in this physical being since childhood. That as a sensitive I experience energetic pain and repeated symptoms as a result of all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual toxins that exist all around me.

My choice by contract to be a intuitive, I chose to learn to exist strongly and spiritually in spite of the effect those toxins have on my being. To filter them out, deal with, change, minimize, remove, avoid, so as to develop ways for other and future indigo Pleidians and to allow my elders to observe, study, learn from my childhood thru physical death, how to stay intuitive, spiritual etc. and to demonstrate how to advance to higher dimensions even though this body has such restrictions and objections. Also to blaze a path for other indigo, rainbow, and star children Pleidians to follow. For modifications to be made to adjust these physical bodies we reside in to be able to handle, filter, and excel in. So that I will be ready and physically intact until such time as my ascension to the next non-physical dimension.

What a exciting aha moment for me. I feel a peace about this unlike any other time in my life. My 5th D frequency understands.

I will continue to make more adjustments. Even more vegetarian, fruit, nut, clearer, lighter vibrational food.

Awesome huh!!! Yahoo!”

I Thought She Was My Friend!

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower

This past week I had an eye opening experience with a woman who I assumed was a new friend.  What happened is not important.  What is important is that I left the circumstance with the feeling that something was ‘off.’  I knew I had acted with positive vibrations and that I was not the cause of this incident.  So I let it go and later asked my guides for information and understanding.  They revealed the somewhat painful truth to me.  A truth which included lying not only to me but also to this woman’s family and loved ones.  After processing this situation, I realized 5 important lessons:

1.  Trust.  I did not have a positive opinion of this person the first time I met her, however, instead of trusting my intuition I learned a harder lesson.

2.  Have Faith.  I have been asking the Universe for a new friend and have been spelling out the specifics for some time now.  Instead of forcing a mismatch, I need to  have faith that what I am asking for is out there and it will happen.

3.  Allow.  Now that the empty space has been created where the false friend used to be, I am consciously allowing the space for a new, spiritual friend to emerge in my life.

4.  Appreciation.  Above all else, this lesson has taught me the value of my current web of friends who are loving and supportive.

5.  Forgiveness.  This is important as always.  I have forgiven myself for not trusting my intuition and I have also forgiven the false friend.  Forgiveness is releasing and empowering.  It strengthens my faith, trust, appreciation and allowing.