My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 90

Message of Love:  Pay attention to which pathways feel easy to you and follow those.

~ Divine Path ~

Have you ever tried to run in water?  It might be good for training the highly physically fit individual, however, if you are interested in speed and ease of flow then flying would be a better option.  And this is how it is without intuitive guidance and with it.  One can seem very slow and arduous with plenty of suffering and pain, while the other feels free, joyful and adventuresome.

Each one of us has life lessons that we face on a daily basis and we can either choose to learn and grow from them or we can choose to deny them and allow them to grow in magnitude until we have a very big wake up call.  Sometimes this presents itself in the form of disease, and other times as addictions, accidents and even criminal behaviors.  Have you had a wake up call in your life?  Click on the below picture to read an article I wrote about it:

~ Join the Global Wake Up Call ~

The events leading up to my filing for divorce were a wake up call for me, and I have had several more minor ones since then.  Most recently, I realized that I had drawn a new friend to me who is a young addict.  I hold no judgments against this person, however, I am in the process of leaving one toxic relationship and I am not interested in manifesting another.  As I continued to spend time with this new friend, my guides reminded me that my first husband was an addict and that my second husband has similar negative energies.  I was told quite bluntly to end this new friendship sharply.  And if I continued to invest energy in this new friend, even though it was not romantic, that I would not manifest the unconditionally loving twin soul partnership that I dreamed for.

It was challenging for me, but I did it.  While I did see the light within this person, as well as within my 2 husbands, I recognize that I must not spend time with someone like this on a personal level so that I may heal during my divorce process and after.  And my guides tell me that once I am healed through my divorce that I will no longer be attracting this type of energy.  Even though I proceeded with a warning that the friendship in which I was attempting to help this other person could become unwise for me to continue, I made some promises to this person that I would continue to support him through his journey.  When I realized that I must break these promises, I felt some resistance from my ego, however, my guides then came through loud and clear that I may continue to offer this person spiritual support while no longer being an active participant.  They also said to offer forgiveness and love to this situation so that I may move forward in my healing process.

The new friend did not understand my choice, however, I must stand firm in my assertiveness and follow my guidance regardless of his feelings.  I am not a trained therapist, simply a divine traveler, willing to offer my personal experience through the written word to all who may connect and benefit from it.

In Loving Harmony and Forgiveness, Beth

“When you really, really want something, are thinking about your desire, and are feeling pleasure from your thought, your current thought vibration is in alignment with your desire – and we call that:  allowing.

But when you really, really want something and are feeling anger, fear, or disappointment, that means you are focused upon the opposite of your desire; and, in doing so, you are introducing another non-matching vibration to the mix – and we call that:  resistance.

The degree of negative emotion that you are experiencing indicates the degree of your resistance to your receiving your desire.” – Abrahan