My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 68

Message of Love:  As you come into alignment with who you are, you draw to yourself relationships of respect and love for that which you Are.

~ Inner Beauty ~

This past weekend I went with some friends to a “Grease” sing-along.  You remember the John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John movie from 1978?  Yes, that’s the one…

When I was a pre-teen I completely identified with Sandy, the female lead.  I hadn’t seen the movie in so many years that when I watched it again, I enjoyed myself, laughing and singing out loud, but something felt off about it.  Expecting to understand my emotions later, I forgot about it until I woke up this morning and I realized that the character of Sandy represents immaturity and lack of self confidence in many ways.  While this can be entertaining, it can also give young girls such as myself a distorted impression of love.

The story is about two mis-matched teenagers falling in love, Danny and Sandy.  She is proper and comes from Australia while he is a member of the local gang.  They have a summer romance when he is not around his buddies and is able to show her his softer side.  But when they meet in high school, he is back to his rude behavior and Sandy feels insulted but continues to feel in love at the same time.

By the end of the movie, Danny earns a letter for track while Sandy completely re-invents herself into a sex queen with black tights, makeup and high heels.

Somewhere along the way I came to believe that I could change and mold to whoever came along in my life, and as a result I allowed myself to become a work horse.  I didn’t expect support or even assistance with taking out the garbage, so I got none.  And now that I have been separated for a few short months, I understand that I want differently.  When I asked for a divorce I had no idea how many things in my life I needed to change to come into alignment with who I Am.  But the important thing is that I recognize this now and I am willing to do whatever it takes to evolve… one day at a time…

In Peace and Love, Beth

~ Love ~

“When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there’s usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you’re going to get it. When you pose questions you don’t have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 37

Pretty Purple Flowers



Loving Message:  The mistake that many people make is thinking that there is something they can do to create change in their lives.   Yes, action is vital but only if it is action done from inspiration and love.  Action done from a place of not feeling good is resistance and will push away your true desires.


Pastel Sweetpea Flowers


I went to sleep last night planning on going to the gym today and exercising, full cardio output.  During the night, however, I woke up with neck pain and spasm after not sleeping well, dreaming about the well fare of my children during this divorce transition.  Maybe it was the effects of yesterday’s solar flare, but what ever the reason, when I woke up this morning I was not in any pain, but my body did not feel energetic.  As a matter of fact, it hardly felt rested.

Ten years ago I would not have listened to my body.  I would have gone to the gym anyway, forcing the muscles to do as my mind dictates, falsely believing it would help my situation.  And I probably would have ended up in worse shape, with neck pain and a virus.  My go, go, go attitude has caused many setbacks in my life.

Now, I choose to listen to my body and when it says to rest, that is exactly what I do.  Because I am more closely connected to my body through meditation, intention and sleeping without clothes, I am finding it easy to quell my mind’s negative influence.  I no longer believe that it is the amount of exercise (hours/week, reps/minute, weight/rep, etc.) that provides physical well being, rather it is the quality of exercise.  When I listen to my body, I am able to return to my regular exercise routine much more quickly with better results than if I ignore it and push, push, push.  In essence, all this pushing does nothing more than keep me in a state of resistance, which is something the body will react negatively to, in the form of illness, injury, or worse.

So today I will be content to meditate, enjoy a walk with my puppy and to send loving, healing energies to my body so that I am ready for the next big adventure.

Peace and Love, Beth



My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 15

Spirit Message:  Divorce is the time to heal the wounds of past relationships, some of which you may have forgotten.  When the old, negative energy resurfaces, open your heart chakra by imagining a large green flower bud in your chest area in the process of blossoming.  This will allow you to forgive yourself first and then forgive those involved.

Morning Angels

I am a stay at home mom of 2 young boys.  My current situation with parenting time has me home alone every weekend.  I understand that this is a temporary time in my life and that I am to use this free time to reconnect with my inner guidance to strengthen self love and to heal.  On the one hand, I am choosing to isolate myself for this purpose, and on the other hand, I am feeling very sad and lonely.

Maybe it is that we just had a full moon, because as of last night I am feeling a flood of sorrow wash over me.  I am not holding back the tears because I know that if I do they will simply resurface at a later time to be dealt with.  Whereas I usually wake up in the morning completely refreshed and inspired, connecting to spirit and receiving guidance, support and love, this morning was quite the opposite.  I woke up struggling with nightmares about past relationships that I would have never guessed could affect me so negatively.

It took me a solid hour to go from crying and feeling conflicted about past hurts to feeling grounded and loving.  Want to know what I did?  Here it is:

  1. I meditated.
  2. After meditation, I focused on continued deep breathing, into the gut.
  3. I drank a big glass of water.
  4. I ate a healthy, warm breakfast.
  5. I gave thanks for my life and remembered 3 things that I love about it.
  6. I listened to joyful music, A New Adventure by Francine Jarry and Abraham Hicks
  7. I gave myself a divination card reading using Steven D. Farmer’s Earth Magic Oracle Cards

And the good news is that now I feel 100% energized, happy and focused on my divine life path.  I know and accept that I have old wounds to heal because I am human.  I also know on a much deeper level that I am whole, loved, loving and connected to All.  For me, the illusion of separateness is at the heart of fear.  Fear of past, fear of present and fear of future.  This fear dissolves and is blown away with the sands of time as the magnificence of spirit returns.

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In Light and Love,
