My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 77

Message of Love:  As you sleep, angels surround and protect You.

~ Angel Communication ~

This morning, I found myself awakened from a deep sleep to look at the clock at 4:44 am.  When this happens, I know that my angels and spirit guides are giving me an important message.  These are times that I reference my “Angel Numbers” book by Doreen Virtue, Ph. D, angelic channel, author and healer.

~ Linked to Amazon ~

This book contains messages about all the numbers from 00 to 999.  When given a triple number, like 4:44, you can read meanings for 4, 44, and 444.  Here they are, straight from the book:

4:  “Angels are with you.  Call upon them for help, guidance, and feelings of love and security.”

44:  “Many angels are with you now.  You can ask these angels to help you with anything that brings peace to you and your loved ones.  Don’t tell the angels how to fix a situation; just ask them to fix it.  The Divine and infinite wisdom of the Creator guides you (through the angels) to a wonderfully ingenious solution.”

444:  “Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you.   You have a very strong and clear connection to the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself.  You have nothing to fear – all is well.”

~ All is Well ~

Often times this type of guidance comes through on the days that will be pose more challenges to me, that is, days where I could possibly find myself less connected and more worrisome.  Turns out that today is one of those days.  As soon as I dropped the kids off at school, I received an email from a neighbor alerting me to a water leak in the main line from the street to the house.  It felt like deja-vu because last December I suspected a leak, but when my plumber walked me through how to check for a leak in the main, the results were negative.  So last December I had a premonition and now there is a leak in the main, no small matter!

Instead of freaking out, I immediately called to have the problem taken care of and things have moved smoothly in this direction.  When I read the meaning of 4:44 for me, I was able to relax and know that my angels are working behind the scenes.  I remain in the loving flow of the Universe, at peace and knowing as my angels say, “All is well.”

In Joyful Bliss, Beth

“Make a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases it doesn’t really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 39

Sword Drawn...

Loving Message:  When you live a lie sometimes you become the lie and do things you would not normally do because your survival instinct takes over, causing you to act from fear instead of a place of love.  On your journey through healing, All things are forgiven.

Exhausted from Battle

Here is the dark day of my soul experience from last weekend.  Let me preface this posting with a caution:  if you do not like reading about another person’s bathroom floor experience (like in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book and movie, “Eat, Pray, Love”), then skip this one…

Today I am wearing armor, the armor of the gods, for battle against inner darkness.  What happened?  Nothing.  Nothing except that my mind brought in another layer of the onion for release and renewal.  It started yesterday when my thoughts were seized in a death like grip by fear.  The psychic attack lasted throughout the day and I was able to quell it with distraction by doing things that I enjoyed.  Then around 9 pm when I felt physically tired, it returned and hit me full force in the abdomen, leaving me on my hands and knees while I released sorrow from the depths of my soul.

It felt as if the sadness inside me transcended this lifetime and went back generation after generation as the women of my family shared my release.  The crying finally ended, leaving me drained and exhausted, but not sleepy so I took out a pen and paper and began to write.  I wrote of wrongs passed, of sadness and laws of universal energy.

Weapon of Light

After some time I began to write about what it is that I want.  I had spent so much time in intense fear that after experiencing it and releasing it, I needed to replace it with my hopes and dreams.  While I wrote to almost fill my little notebook, here is the main gist:

  1. I want a safe and loving environment in which to raise my 2 boys.
  2. I want a peaceful life.
  3. I want to recognize daily that I Am the light that I seek.
  4. I want to bring hope, healing and joy to the planet through my writings, channelings and gemstone jewelry.
  5. I want prosperity in All areas of my life.
  6. I want joy and self love.
  7. I want to completely heal through this divorce process.
  8. I want a smooth, easy transition for my family.
  9. I want loving relationships to flourish.
  10. I want to feel connected to the flow of universal energy in the Now.

After writing this I fell to sleep and rested for 4 hours before waking up to another mental attack.  Anxiety has a way of rearing it’s ugly head in the middle of the night.  I am delighted to reveal, however, that instead of allowing my frequency to be derailed again, I turned on the light and opened a book with positive, life affirming messages.  It was amazing the insights I had in the middle of the night while reading and after I was able to return to sleep.


My guides were helping me during my sleep and before I began reading they gave me some options:

  1. I can go down into another bottomless tunnel of fear if I liked how that felt last night.

~  OR ~ I can do one of the following things which would help me stay at my normal, loving state of Being:

  1. I could continue reading the latest edition by Gary Zukav, one of my fav authors.
  2. I could take a relaxing bath or shower.
  3. I could get up and go bake some yummy, healthy muffins.
  4. I could bundle up and go for a walk in the night.
  5. I could listen to soothing music.
  6. I could meditate, even listen to a guided meditation CD.
  7. I could get on the floor and do some gentle yoga stretches…

I was too lazy for anything else, so I picked up the book and happy for me the reading worked nicely.

So here I sit, armor and sword intact, ready to pierce any low vibration thoughts that come my way today because I choose love.  I Am Love.  And when I remember this, everything on all energetic levels is forgiven and replaced with positive, joy-filled expectations.  For Now, I have conquered my own darkness and stepped into the Light.

In Joy and Harmony,


P.S. If you are going through a divorce or any other relationship turmoil, I suggest you watch the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.”  It is a story of healing and rebirth that is truly inspiring.

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 37

Pretty Purple Flowers



Loving Message:  The mistake that many people make is thinking that there is something they can do to create change in their lives.   Yes, action is vital but only if it is action done from inspiration and love.  Action done from a place of not feeling good is resistance and will push away your true desires.


Pastel Sweetpea Flowers


I went to sleep last night planning on going to the gym today and exercising, full cardio output.  During the night, however, I woke up with neck pain and spasm after not sleeping well, dreaming about the well fare of my children during this divorce transition.  Maybe it was the effects of yesterday’s solar flare, but what ever the reason, when I woke up this morning I was not in any pain, but my body did not feel energetic.  As a matter of fact, it hardly felt rested.

Ten years ago I would not have listened to my body.  I would have gone to the gym anyway, forcing the muscles to do as my mind dictates, falsely believing it would help my situation.  And I probably would have ended up in worse shape, with neck pain and a virus.  My go, go, go attitude has caused many setbacks in my life.

Now, I choose to listen to my body and when it says to rest, that is exactly what I do.  Because I am more closely connected to my body through meditation, intention and sleeping without clothes, I am finding it easy to quell my mind’s negative influence.  I no longer believe that it is the amount of exercise (hours/week, reps/minute, weight/rep, etc.) that provides physical well being, rather it is the quality of exercise.  When I listen to my body, I am able to return to my regular exercise routine much more quickly with better results than if I ignore it and push, push, push.  In essence, all this pushing does nothing more than keep me in a state of resistance, which is something the body will react negatively to, in the form of illness, injury, or worse.

So today I will be content to meditate, enjoy a walk with my puppy and to send loving, healing energies to my body so that I am ready for the next big adventure.

Peace and Love, Beth



Trouble Falling Asleep At Night?

Here are some ideas to help you out:

1.  Drink a warm herbal tea about one hour before going to lie down in bed at night.  Avoid mint because it is stimulating.

Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea

2.  Take a soothing warm shower or bath before bedtime.  Use aromatic soaps, candles or incense with calming scents.  Avoid berry, holly and mint because these excite.

Bubble Bath

Bubble Bath with Aromatic Candles

3.  Listen to relaxing music or nature sounds and turn it down low as you get ready for bed.  Allow the music to play softly while you get sleepy and fall asleep.  It will automatically shut off when the CD is complete.

Nature Sounds

Serene Nature Sounds

4.  If you like, read for 30 minutes before turning out the light.  Select something that is not exciting or frightening to read.

Reading Book In Bed

Reading Book In Bed

5.  After you turn out your light, try a focusing meditation while lying down with your eyes closed.  This will help you to relax and drift off into sleep.  Take several slow, deep breaths to begin.  Then picture your favorite relaxing scene in your mind’s eye while counting slowly to yourself from one to 100 and up.  The object is to focus your eyes on your relaxing scene and to focus your mind on the numbers.  If your thoughts wander, simply redirect them to your image and numbers.  Remember to breathe and continue for as long as you like.  As you become accustomed to this exercise, you will find it easier and quicker to become relaxed and sleepy.

Mind Focus Meditation

Mind Focus Meditation