My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 42

Message of Love:  When you are transitioning through your divorce, at times it may feel like your problems outweigh those of your friends and family.  This is not so.  When a loved one cannot be there for you, accept it and move forward.  Send them love and light and soon you will feel their strength and support return.

~ Relax ~ Breathe ~

I took a break yesterday.  I didn’t even turn my computer on the entire day and it felt very nice.  My boys were home for President’s Day and we went for a hike in the woods with Coco.  The weather was cold and overcast, but not raining as we set out on our journey.  Horses travel on the trails we were walking, so Coco was very distracted and excited with the new smells.  Very quickly we were surrounded by bright green giants, moss and fern covered trees as far as the eye could see.  We had hiked these trails before, but I did not remember the colors looking so vivid and alive.  As we walked along even my youngest boy, who had been upset because he didn’t want to stop playing his video game, became quiet and absorbent to the surroundings.

~ Release ~ Rejuvenate ~

Today I woke up knowing that just as I had a rejuvenating break yesterday, my family and friends also deserve one.  My daily complaints and worries are weighing heavily on them and it is my job to do something about it.  So instead of phoning, emailing or messaging them, I am choosing to send them love and light so that they may heal and ascend with me during this process.

I give thanks to my friends and family for their love and support.

In Joy, Beth

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