My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 110

Source Love:  You Are loving, lovable and loved.

After the initial memory surge from the realization of living from the false belief that I am a victim wore off, I sat down to ask for guidance and help to learn what kind of a releasing ceremony I needed to perform.  I was instantly led to the below 2 YouTube videos of an Inner Mongolian Shaman’s Possession Ceremony:

If you watch the videos, you will notice some written explanations under the second of the 2 part series.  One person is possessed with the spirit of an elderly man and while the ceremony ensues, the spirit shifts to the body of one of the shaman.  It is clear when this happens because his body transforms into that of an old man.  I have witnessed similar trance channeling as a child and can speak to its validity.

When I began watching the videos, I asked for assistance in releasing the darkness inside of me and to my delight, as the videos ensued I felt myself in a meditative trance.  I was able to understand what was happening, however, my body felt distant and protected at the same time.

I watched the dancers moving and swirling while hitting drums and singing.  Their costumes were beautiful with bells and ornate birds on the tops of their head gear.  The clothing was in long loose multi colored fabric and when they swirled it opened up and danced around their bodies.  At the precise moment that the spirit left the body of the shaman, I felt a huge release, suddenly weeping and then my chest felt light.  And my ears felt very warm.

Was this my release ceremony?  My mind says yes, and my heart says no, but it was a good start…

In Swirling Biss, Beth

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 101

Message from Spirit:  Each individual, no matter how small, is able to choose either alignment or misalignment.  As spiritually aware parents, we can help our children to remember how it feels to be in flow with universal energy.

~ Positive Energy ~

This is a story of assisting a young child in choosing the path of non-resistance.

My youngest son has been feeling very angry and frustrated since the onset of divorce last fall.  Not only do I feel his misalignment at home, but his teacher and classmates feel it as well.  He has been using his body to act out in a negative pattern, hitting, kicking, making loud noises and mistreating the belongings of other people.  Recently, he began refusing to talk to me about his actions and his feelings, shutting me out with defiance.

~ Clash of Will ~

My Earth Angel felt this resistance and called me one day, offering a new tactic to use when he hits this self-made brick wall.  She suggested telling him that until he agrees to talk, he will not have it, be it or do it, whatever it is that is his favorite activity in the moment.  And, of course, to back this up with consistent consequences.  She also had the idea to use dimes and to begin placing them on a piece of paper so that he could count how much money or points he was losing, as the number of dimes increased, the amount of repercussion also increased.  This concrete formula for teaching responsibility struck me as not only sound, but fool proof as well.

The next day I had the opportunity to say the “You will not have it, be it or do it” technique when he refused to discuss his behavior in school.  These words acted like an energetic slap into alignment for my son because he immediately changed his tune and talked about the incident and his feelings.  It was a productive development in what was becoming a negative pattern of self defeating actions for my son and since this first time I have had to use this same catch phrase only one more time this week… PROGRESS!!!

And this is another step in healing for both myself and my son.

In Gratitude, Beth

“I’ll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me… Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you’re a match, together with it – then there aren’t any bugs to work out. Don’t ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want – and then the Universe will bring you what you want.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 86

Love Message:  Look for the deeper meaning in healing physical pain.

~ Love ~

Over the years as I practiced physical therapy, I began to feel that my treatments were missing a very large piece of the puzzle.  Some people freely and easily healed from their physical injuries, while others simply did not.  Then once I began my spiritual journey I came to understand that physical therapy primarily addresses the mechanical causes of pain in the body and touches on mental involvement with education and independent instruction, while completely leaving out the emotional and spiritual causes and effects.

~ Healthy Body ~

The weekend before my intense experience with releasing the toxic emotions of anger and fear, I noticed two very small changes in my physical body.  #1, A small red bump developed on my chin, and #2, the joint between my foot and my left big toe began to hurt as I walked.  I consulted with Heal Your Body A-Z by Louise Hay and read:

Acne:  Not accepting the self. Dislike of the self.

Face:  Represents what we show the world.

Foot:  Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life.

Toe:  Represents the minor details of the future.

~ Louise Hay ~

At the time, I was feeling good and did not fully realize that it was a warning sign for the week to come.  Fortunately, I did remember that acne is always present on my face during and after fearful situations in my life.  This knowledge helped me to make it through the week.  While I did become overwhelmed at some point with these toxic emotions, the entire time I spent under water was less than a day, thanks to my attention to changes in my body.

And after the blow-out, I recognized the connection between the physical pains I had been experiencing and the great amount of fear that was welling up inside me.  The acne/face issues were related to a false belief system from my childhood about being fat and unlovable.  And the details/future issues were related to worrisome thoughts about my current financial situation.

And the best part is that immediately after releasing the emotional toxins I no longer had foot or toe pain and the acne on my face healed overnight.

In Peace and Love, Beth

“The most magnificent Creators don’t want to get together with people who think just like they do. They’re looking for people who have other thoughts, because out of the contradiction, comes ideas that could not be born out of sameness. Your relationships will be ultimately more if you’re not identical twins just “yessing, yessing, yessing” to everything that the other one is about.”

— Abraham

The Joy of Synchronicity

I have a strong love for synchronicity and enjoy noticing its occurance every day in my life.  Synchronicity is a name used to define an event or circumstance that has no reason for happening, however, it is important for the person(s) within the situation.  A similar word is serendipity and there is a movie out with this name starring John Cusak, which I highly recommend viewing.



If you are interested in learning more about this topic then read this Squidoo lens that I wrote:

As you become more aware of synchronicity in your life, it becomes more aware of you and the wonderful adventure begins.  For example, my guides and angels know that I have a connection with numbers because I studied mathematics in college and it runs in the family.  So I decided to learn about numerology and now find meaning and serendipity in the simplest yet unexplainable things.

Here is an example of only a few of the synchronicities which occurred for me in the past week:

1.  During the night of 9.8.10 I woke up at 1:11 then again at 4:44 then again at 5:05.

2.  On 9.9.10 I wake up again at 1:11 and 4:44.  When I woke up at 1:11 I had a word on my mind.  As I began to ponder the meaning of the word, I remembered an important event from my childhood.  This gave me a strong sense of direction on my spiritual life path.  In other words, I got a green light for my next step forward on a new career.

3. That same morning a coyote visited our back yard.  My son, Victor, said, “Mom, look, it’s a fox.”  I dismissed it, thinking we do not have foxes in our neighborhood.  When he saw him a second time, however, I went to look and saw a very healthy coyote walking casually through our yard.  He glanced my way and then left.  The third time (and yes, the #3 is significant also) he just sat up, looking directly at us, from Victor’s eyes to mine, and I got it that he was waiting to also connect with Leo, my older child.  As soon as Leo saw him, he left for good.

It turns out that each of us received a unique message.  Mine was to pick back up the pen so to speak and complete my book for children, which has the coyote as one of the main characters.  Victor’s message was about transforming from playing tricks on himself to knowing that he is perfect already.  Leo’s message was about being able to tell jokes and laugh at himself in life.

4. The gym I attend is usually very crowded in the mornings and parking is limited.  As I am driving to the facility I ask my guides for my favorite parking space, right in front of the new entrance.  I haven’t calculated, but almost every time my space is available and I offer appreciation for it, especially on those cold, rainy days.

5. On 9.10.10 I wake up at 1:11 then 4:44 again.  I think of a friend and then see her at a pet store.

6. On 9.11.10 I wake up at 6:24 and then 6:33 and realize this is 6:6 and the number 3 for the trinity. I also remember a dream I had during the night and am able to understand it’s implications for me on that particular day.  I take the kids for a hike and we see a mass of garter snakes, intertwined, moving about and undisturbed by our proximity.  I immediately receive their message and share it with the boys, who receive joyfully as we continue.  Victor bought a small bug specimen container for the hike and wanted to find a snake to put in it for good viewing.  I said that it would have to be a tiny snake to be able to fit in the small space, so sure enough he finds one that is no more than 3″ long and Leo catches it for him.  The baby brown snake is happy when he is released next to a small stream soon after.

If you are interested in connecting with the joy of  synchronicity in your life then you are already on the right path!  Blessings and Light, Beth

The Joy of Synchronicity

Lessons On Abuse From A Loved One

Abuse of family members is one of the most prevalent concerns in our society.  Nine times out of ten the homicide victim knows their assailant before the crime is committed.  This topic reflects the current state of fear, anger and aggression that is rampant on our planet and that is also the cause of wars, genocides, and mass destruction.  Most people know someone who is the victim of abuse, whether they or their friend realizes it or not.

I have a friend who has a history of family abuse and has shared some of her traumas with me.  Fortunately, she divorced her physically, verbally and emotionally abusive husband many, many years ago.  Recently, she found herself subject to very similar behaviors from one of her most beloved family members, her only child.

While my friend has grown into a spiritually strong individual after many years of therapy and self study, during this recent onslaught of blame, hate and judgement from her son, she found herself reliving the past emotional scars and wounds.  The wounds inflicted by her child appear to run deeper than time itself.

Abuse causes such a tremendous amount of pain and suffering because not only does it harm the body, but it also harms the mind, the emotional self and the spirit.  Abuse is the absence of love.  It is fear based and has a low frequency vibration.  No wonder it feels so awful.


So what did my friend do when she realized what was going on?  The answer is a very powerful act of love:

1.  She prayed to her angels and guides for support and answers for the best possible outcome in the situation.

2.  She reached inside herself for the courage to manifest her desires.

3.  She forgave herself and then her child.

4.  And finally, she let him go.  She chose to let him make his own choices in life and in doing so she gave herself ultimate freedom and love.

As she progressed through the energy of her decision, she discovered that her angels had softly laid the path for her.  She felt their presence as things on his side were taken care of without further angry attacks.  It was not an easy process overall, however, many times the most challenging situations deliver the greatest opportunities for growth, unconditional love and peace.

As I reflect on this recent lesson, I am thankful that I have this special person in my life.  She sets a high standard on self love and gives us a wonderful example to follow.  After all, if we are unable to love ourselves then how can we claim to be Spiritual Beings?

Springtime: My Top 10 Favorites

I live in the Pacific North West and love it.  The weather changes dramatically from cold and rainy in the winter to warmer and much sunnier in the spring.  This is a list of simple things that I enjoy very much this time of year.

Cherry Blossom

Signs of Spring

1.  Because of the movement from dark days to light days I feel my whole self emerging like the first flowers from the soil, new again.

2.  I feel like a momma bear as my need for extended hours of sleep shifts and I wake up earlier in the morning, ready for the day.

3.  The sounds of birds romancing in the early morning is both cheerful and exciting to me.

4.  As the colors of the trees and flowers begin to blossom my eyes and nose are delighted with beauty and fragrance.

5.  I notice more and more neighbors are out walking their dogs and going to the park to play.

6.  I begin to change my wardrobe from heavy clothing to lighter layers of pink, purple and blue pastels.

7.  My fingernails and toenails transform from deep reds and browns to playful pinks and lilacs, see the perfectly matching ring below.

8.  I have my hairdresser add more highlights and cut my hair shorter.

9.  My taste for foods changes and I begin eating colder selections with more fresh veggies and fruits and less soups and baked dishes.

10.  Time feels more expansive to me as the days grow longer and I enjoy more outdoor activities with my children.

Lilac Swarovski Ring

Lilac Swarovski Ring