Springtime: My Top 10 Favorites

I live in the Pacific North West and love it.  The weather changes dramatically from cold and rainy in the winter to warmer and much sunnier in the spring.  This is a list of simple things that I enjoy very much this time of year.

Cherry Blossom

Signs of Spring

1.  Because of the movement from dark days to light days I feel my whole self emerging like the first flowers from the soil, new again.

2.  I feel like a momma bear as my need for extended hours of sleep shifts and I wake up earlier in the morning, ready for the day.

3.  The sounds of birds romancing in the early morning is both cheerful and exciting to me.

4.  As the colors of the trees and flowers begin to blossom my eyes and nose are delighted with beauty and fragrance.

5.  I notice more and more neighbors are out walking their dogs and going to the park to play.

6.  I begin to change my wardrobe from heavy clothing to lighter layers of pink, purple and blue pastels.

7.  My fingernails and toenails transform from deep reds and browns to playful pinks and lilacs, see the perfectly matching IshvaraJewelry.com ring below.

8.  I have my hairdresser add more highlights and cut my hair shorter.

9.  My taste for foods changes and I begin eating colder selections with more fresh veggies and fruits and less soups and baked dishes.

10.  Time feels more expansive to me as the days grow longer and I enjoy more outdoor activities with my children.

Lilac Swarovski Ring

Lilac Swarovski Ring