My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 32

Message of Love:  In life on earth, the need for forgiveness is eternal.  As you heal from this painful process of divorce, you will discover new areas that need forgiveness.  Ask your angels and guides to assist in the forgiveness process.


Last night’s nightmares brought a new realization to me, a very painful one.

I have a very beautiful little sister.  Growing up we were very close in age and even shared a bedroom until our teenage years.  While we were very bonded as siblings, we were also very different and as a result we fought a lot.  I was the bossy one and she was the quieter one who would do what I said most of the time.  Unfortunately for her, I often took out my anger and depression on her by pointing blame or making fun of instead of connecting on a deeper level.   Through our teenage years when Mother was sick and dying of cancer, we began communicating in a more mature manner.  While we did not share our feelings, we did share time together doing what we enjoyed with friends.

Then came my brain surgery.  I noticed at the time that the person most affected by it was my little sister.  She was not married at the time, and she stepped forward to help me get to doctor appointments and anything else I needed.  We had been through more than one death together and my brain surgery was enough to knock us both off our feet.  So we started talking more and connecting in a more meaningful way.

What I saw in my nightmare about my explosive ex-husband was my sister, cowering in the corner.   She was with me, a part of me, and was experiencing the same amount of abuse as I was.  After I awoke, I asked my guides, “Why was she in the dream?”  What I heard next was so intense that I have not dealt with it until just now.

“Your sister was with you because you helped her connect with her abuser.  You led her into his hands.  And then you walked away.  You dumped him on her then you ignored your intuition that told you it was wrong, that something was distorted about him.  You never once explained to your loving little sister what you did.  And now you need to ask for forgiveness,” my guides said.

A Rose for My Sister

You see, my little sister also married a low frequency, abusive man, who, even though they are now divorced, continues to be present in her life and in the lives of her 2 young daughters.  Until last night, I had completely denied my involvement.  Can you imagine?  My mother is gone so I am next in line to help guide and assist in the growth of my little sister.  She never offered me anything but love.

Please forgive me, my sister.

Please forgive me, Me.  Help me to find forgiveness, my angels, my guides, my mother.

In Love, Beth

3 comments on “My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 32

  1. Beth,

    I stumbled across your blog while searching the subject and sat down for a long read. It was difficult to keep a dry eye. I empathize with you and wish I knew someone like you to confide in. I have a million words I want to say, but there is only room for a few.

    I am 38 years old in a 15 year marriage. I am desparately lonely and my mind feels squeezed dry of positive energy. My biggest fear is if I stay, she will drag me to her hell that is long term depression. For years I have begged her to seek treatment to no avail. I have even made appointments for her that she will not keep or medicine she will not take. As a man I feel I must honor my commitments to her and our family. The youngest of our children will be an adult in just a few years. I feel the path to divorce beginning to take form under my feet.

    Take care,

    -John, a fellow Oregonian.

    • Dear John,

      In my journey through divorce, which actually began years ago as I was recognizing how deeply unhappy I was in my marriage, I have come to realize that before I am able to focus on my divine path, that I must commit to take care of my needs above all else. For me this meant and continues to mean taking time on a routine basis to reconnect through meditation and by doing things that are relaxing, happy and enjoyable. It also meant for me to seek professional help. I began with Rapid Eye Therapy which progressed to life coaching by same therapist. While I still communicate with my therapist, I am able to rely more on my own intuition and I am feeling like I have a greater understanding of the big picture, the why’s and why not’s in life.

      As you consider divorce please also consider some type of therapy. What remains unhealed within you will continue to cause unhappiness no matter your life situation.

      Blessings and Light,

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