My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 107

Divine Message:  Be brave and continue to face the darkness that is inside of you.  You will be very glad that you did.

~ Challenge ~

At times resistance rears its ugly head in my life and at those times, I am faced with a very challenging choice: to delve into the painful past in order to shed light on it and heal from it, or to continue feeling angry at myself and the drama I have created.  This appears to be a very easy choice, and it is, however, when amidst the crisis all my brain tells me to do is to run.  Avoid it.  Deny it.  Repress it.

So what have I done?  Most recently, I found myself falsely believing once again that I had easily forgiven myself, healed and moved on.  But what had really changed?  Nothing has changed, except that I had created yet one more misstep on my divine path.  Was the impatience inside of me masking something greater?

As the years of old, suppressed pains and emotions manifest themselves in current unpleasant life situations, I created yet another unhealthy addiction cycle: the need to purge, release and forgive myself.  Yes, this cycle can be healthy, but for me, as I continued to bring about the same bad feelings in my relationships, I recently began to feel there was something much more dark that I needed to face in order to break this old, hurtful pattern.  But what was it?

~ Change ~

Then I received a loving message from my Earth Angel.  It read:

“You are in the process of learning that there is a time for releasing and and time for creating. You are in the process of releasing a very strong embedded, ingrained belief in all your levels of being…it is called a victim consciousness. You have been living many lives by this belief and your choices are based on this belief, therefore, you only ‘see’ a lesson from one dimension, one side of a box. There is now a call on you to have a personal, solo, time of a major releasing ceremony to release all limits, all circumstances where you thought and think yourself to be a victim of others intentions and actions.”

~ Growth ~

This message resonated deeply with me.  It made sense.  I asked for guidance and assistance in how to perform such a ceremony.  I felt confident that I would receive the necessary information as needed.

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.”

— Abraham