My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 36

Message of Love:  Healing opens the portal to prosperity.  Expect to be pleasantly surprised as you begin to receive blessings in many areas of your life.



Star Colors in Orion

Portals of Abundance



Over the past weekend I had an immense transformation after experiencing what some have coined “the dark day of the soul.”  I wrote about it and will be sharing the place I was in with you later this week.  Having worked through generational false beliefs and layer upon layer of sludge that was covering my Divine Light within, I revealed to myself an inner power far greater than anything I have known since my childhood.

Yesterday, being Valentine’s Day, I experienced love from dimensions I had only dreamt about before.  The day was truly celebrated for the first time since I can remember and I shared my joy with everyone.  Here is a quote from Abraham which describes my experience perfectly:

“We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold: You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.”



The Whirlpool Galaxy in Infrared Dust

Cosmic Creation


Because I no longer resisted my abundance, many, many things happened yesterday that were synchronistic, amazing and exactly what I had been asking for.  Here’s a short list:

  • I spoke with my lawyer about some concerns I had been having and she listened without judgment and then offered her loving and quite spiritual support.  She said things that I had no idea she was capable of saying and I knew that she is a connection from the spirit world, here to assist me.
  • I received my first ever Valentine’s Day card from my dad.  It was short, sweet and full of  joy.  When I called him he tried to give away the credit, but I received his gesture for what it was, an offering of love and concern for my well being.
  • I received a call from the maker of my automobile, which has been having some $$$$ spendy troubles with the rear hatch mechanism.  In a desire to save money, I decided not to have it repaired and last December a close friend came across a bulletin that was posted about this type of car having this type of problem.  He suggested that I call about it, so I did, almost 2 months ago and I never heard back from them.  I had forgotten all about it except that I set a reminder in my phone to call them back, so each day I would think, “I wonder what will happen about this,” and nothing more.  And on Valentine’s Day 2011 I was told that they will repair the rear hatch at no cost!

If you are not a believer in the Universal Law of Attraction, then you would probably say that I had a lucky day.  To this, I must reply, “We both agree that it was great; so why not try this way of thinking for a little while and find out how it works for you?”  Below are several YouTube videos on Abraham to get you started.

Peace and Love, Beth



2 comments on “My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 36

    • In the realm of Universal Consciousness, each one of us chooses to participate in earth school so that we may assist each other in learning, loving and growing. Family members have often times spent countless other lifetimes together and take on different roles in order to grow toward spiritual enlightenment. When your focus is on love and you act from this place then you are moving in the direction of your divine life path. When we lose focus we enter the common and normal human emotions of blame, anger, and sorrow. While these emotions do serve their purpose to awaken us to what we do not want in our lives, our focus need only be on joy in order to prosper.

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