My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 85

Message of Love:  Your body does not lie when it complains to you.

~ Intuition ~

Fear physically manifests in the body in many ways.  Louise Hay has an entire book, Heal Your Body A-Z, on this subject, the spiritual causes of fear and thought patterns for healing.

~ Recommended book by Louise Hay ~

These thought patterns are positive affirmations which are used to replace the false belief systems with life affirming messages.  Once you become in tune with your body, that is, conscious of any pains that you are feeling on a daily basis, then you can use this information for healing.  With the healing thought pattern in place, the pain usually either diminishes considerably or vanishes completely within moments or hours.

~ Healing ~

Before my recent adventure into emotional toxins this past week, my body gave me two signals that I was beginning to delve into fear while leaving my intuition.  Has this ever happened to you?

In Light, Beth

“We are all Vibrational Beings. You’re like a receiving mechanism that when you set your tuner to the station, you’re going to hear what’s playing. Whatever you are focused upon is the way you set your tuner, and when you focus there for as little as 17 seconds, you activate that vibration within you. Once you activate a vibration within you, Law of Attraction begins responding to that vibration, and you’re off and running — whether it’s something wanted or unwanted.”

— Abraham