My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 106

Message of Love:  Personal choice is what makes you human and defines your divine life path.

~ Connection ~

When I grew up, my parents strictly did not discuss politics.  On one hand, I had no exposure to a spiritual approach to this topic, and on the other hand, it saved me from listening to potential hate and fear based energies.  In this latter regard, I am thankful.

~ Beauty ~

After school yesterday, I asked each of my boys separately if they had heard about Osama Bin Laden in class.  My youngest said, “Who is that?” and my oldest said that, yes, he did hear about it.  He said one of his classmates explained that Osama was a very bad man and that now he is dead, killed by the U.S. Military.  Then he began asking me questions about it and I had the joyful experience of answering.  We were all in the car, a captive environment which facilitates listening and memory retention of my very busy boys.

~ Joyfulness ~

Here is a synopsis of what I told them:

1) First, I objectively explained the events of 9/11, which neither of them knew about beforehand.

2) I discussed the cycle of fear and hate between cultures which perpetuates wars, and the current energy of revenge now in the U.S. with the death of Osama.

3) Bringing the message home, I talked about personal choice and how it influences the energies of our planet.

“It’s up to each person whether or not he chooses to live from a place of love or a place of fear,” I said.

“Well, I Am love,” my youngest chirped.

“Yes, you Are,” I offered.

“I don’t feel either way,” my oldest said.

“And All is well,” I added, moments before we parked the car and our conversation was done…

In Loving Harmony, Beth

“Make a decision and then make it right. There just are no wrong decisions. You could go this way, or that way, and either way will eventually get you to where you want to be. But in the moment you start complimenting yourself on the decision you’ve made, in that moment, you come back into vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 102

Divine Message:  One positive aspect of our lives is that we can learn to take responsibility for our actions at a very early age.

~ Community ~

This is a story of learning to take responsibility for one’s actions at the early age of 6…

Before bedtime, my oldest son reads independently and I read to my first grader while we lie together in his bed.  This is a special time that we spend together daily where we giggle and snuggle in our cozy spot.  Both my boys understand that the bedroom is a sacred place of quietness, peace and calm.  And each one of them enjoys their own space very much.

~ Sacred Kid Space ~

~ Sacred Kid Space ~

Due to his frustrated feelings lately, my 6 year old had been treating me roughly during our peaceful reading time.  Several nights ago he suddenly became excited and yelled loudly in my left ear.  It was so forceful that I dismissed myself temporarily in order to recoup and while I was out of his room, I devised a plan very similar to one using dimes that my Earth Angel recently taught me.

~ An All Time Favorite ~

I got a pen and paper and began writing, formulating a contract of sorts between me and my child.  The writing was large print so that he could read it for himself and be reminded of the agreement any time he noticed it hanging on his cork board in his sacred space.  Then I re-entered his room and asked him to sit up so that I could first read the document to him and then he could read it out loud to me, demonstrating that he understood before signing.  His eyes got pretty big and he sat up, wondering what on earth is going on, but he approached the situation very calmly and with respect.  This is what it said:

“The next time

I scream in my

mom’s ear or do

anything else rough and

mean to her,

I will lose book reading

at night with my mom

for 3 days.



We both read it and he signed, including his full name + nick name, Beaver, spelled “Bvvr.”  I almost laughed out loud when I saw that…  His attitude shifted and he became very soft and gentle with me that night and each night since.  The “contract” is still on his wall and I remind him about it at night before we begin our nightly ritual.  Is he learning a little responsibility?  I certainly hope so!

Do you have any ideas on this topic?  If so then please leave a comment below…

In Loving Bliss, Beth

“Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You’re just not ready to receive it right now.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 101

Message from Spirit:  Each individual, no matter how small, is able to choose either alignment or misalignment.  As spiritually aware parents, we can help our children to remember how it feels to be in flow with universal energy.

~ Positive Energy ~

This is a story of assisting a young child in choosing the path of non-resistance.

My youngest son has been feeling very angry and frustrated since the onset of divorce last fall.  Not only do I feel his misalignment at home, but his teacher and classmates feel it as well.  He has been using his body to act out in a negative pattern, hitting, kicking, making loud noises and mistreating the belongings of other people.  Recently, he began refusing to talk to me about his actions and his feelings, shutting me out with defiance.

~ Clash of Will ~

My Earth Angel felt this resistance and called me one day, offering a new tactic to use when he hits this self-made brick wall.  She suggested telling him that until he agrees to talk, he will not have it, be it or do it, whatever it is that is his favorite activity in the moment.  And, of course, to back this up with consistent consequences.  She also had the idea to use dimes and to begin placing them on a piece of paper so that he could count how much money or points he was losing, as the number of dimes increased, the amount of repercussion also increased.  This concrete formula for teaching responsibility struck me as not only sound, but fool proof as well.

The next day I had the opportunity to say the “You will not have it, be it or do it” technique when he refused to discuss his behavior in school.  These words acted like an energetic slap into alignment for my son because he immediately changed his tune and talked about the incident and his feelings.  It was a productive development in what was becoming a negative pattern of self defeating actions for my son and since this first time I have had to use this same catch phrase only one more time this week… PROGRESS!!!

And this is another step in healing for both myself and my son.

In Gratitude, Beth

“I’ll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me… Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you’re a match, together with it – then there aren’t any bugs to work out. Don’t ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want – and then the Universe will bring you what you want.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 94

Message of Love:  Let go of the reigns of life and celebrate new found joy.

~ Fun Art ~

Yesterday my 9 year-old son came home with a thick coat of dried, flaking paint on his face.  I asked him how he liked it and he admitted that it made his face hurt.  With this comment I chuckled inside because Leo’s face is ultra-animated and the paint looked like someone had used glue to stick it on, especially on his eyebrows, which were painted in broad yellow strokes.  “Well, I’ll help you take it off tonight before your shower,” I assured him.

~ Happy Happy ~

Little did I realize the agony that we both had in store for us.  Moments into applying makeup remover cream all over his face, I realized that the paint was acrylic, something that is not easily removed once it dries.  Everyone helped, first with cotton swabs, then with a wet wash cloth, and finally with a scrub brush.  By the time we were nearly done, my son’s face blotched with redness and his eyes full of tears, I felt some protective anger rising in me.

“Who did this to you?” I asked,”Where was the adult supervisor?”

It turns out that the owner of the art clinic where he takes a Saturday class did it to him, with my son’s encouragement.

“Well, I’m going to send her an email,” I started to say, then I quickly changed it to, “Well, I guess you won’t be allowing her to paint your face again after all of this, will you?”

“No, definitely not,” he responded, and added, “Not unless she uses face paints next time.”

So there you have it!  My ego was once again conquered because I resisted the urge to step in and attempt to control or dominate the situation.  I understood that the experience started out as fun and quite a lot of attention from the girls and turned into a learning experience for the both of us.

In Surrender, Beth

“Esther has literally received this knowing and built new language. Not new words and not new meaning of words but new combinations of words that are building a new language in the way man approaches his connection to Nonphysical.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 93

Loving Message:  Relationship competition is behavior based on misalignment.  Recognize it for what it is and take a different approach.

Today is the 9th birthday of my youngest son and it is the end of the weekend.  He requested that I throw him a birthday party so I gave it my best shot and, unfortunately, only 2 boys showed up after his best friend canceled.  When I received the email from this boy’s mom, I knew exactly what happened.   My soon to be ex-husband threw him a birthday party at his house yesterday and it was much bigger and more expensive than mine.

~ Birthday Party ~

At first when I realized what had happened, I became very angry and sad about it.  “How unfair,” I thought, remembering the hour I spent the day before blowing up balloons for the final touch.  Luckily, I got over it and the boys had a lot of fun.  When the smallest boy left with a goody bag, his mother apologized to me that he did not bring a present because he brought it yesterday to the reptile man party.

And with her comment, I realized the ridiculous-ness of the situation.  My soon to be ex had wanted to be invited to the party I was throwing, but I knew better, so off we went on a party competition charade.  I did not know of the reptile man plans until the last moment, so I could not have changed the plans this time, however, I will behave differently for the next party.  My youngest son has already agreed that come his birthday, he will allow his dad to throw him the biggest party on the block… and we will have a quiet celebration, just us.

My worth of a mother is in no way related to my ability to throw a birthday party, and my boys know it.

In Peace, Beth

“It’s ever so much more satisfying to get into a blissful place and attract a blissful person and live blissfully hereafter than to be in a negative place and attract a negative partner and then try to get happy from that negative place.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 66

Divine Message:  It is no coincidence that this is the 66th blog posting on the day of the biggest full moon in 18 years.

~ Supermoon ~

I had the divine pleasure of attending the variety show at my boys’ elementary school yesterday.  I showed up and waited outside the classroom of my youngest son, then followed him into the incredibly chaotic gymnasium and sat next to him on the wooden floor.  Luckily, we were seated at the edge so I didn’t block any of the kids behind me.  I looked around the room and saw many parents standing in the back and around the sides, anxious to watch their young performers on stage.

While waiting for the start of the show, I reminisced about my elementary school years.  I was quite the talent show enthusiast.  I remember wearing 70’s disco-glitter, silver bell bottoms while line dancing to the Bee Gees “Night Fever.”  The younger kids smiled and cheered on and we all had a blast.  There was no feeling of competition, only an atmosphere of total happiness and enthusiasm.

I felt the same wave of loving energy while I was seated on the floor with the elementary students.  The group of older students came out to announce and all faces were turned to the stage, looks of wonder throughout.  Everyone got quiet during performances and in between the applause was so loud at times that the announcers were inaudible.  I could hear, “She’s so beautiful!” and “He’s my favorite!” as the boys and girls enjoyed each and every second of the program.  My inner child felt in harmony.

~ Enthusiasm ~

The energy of young children is so pure and powerful.  As I left the school I felt that I had participated in an outpouring of golden, healing light from our little neighborhood to all those on the planet in need.  It was not an intentional act on the part of the children, but an act that occurs automatically when we as humans remember our natural state of joy.

My wish is that You return to this natural state of joy today for the supermoon, and every day after.

In Quietude, Beth

“The evolution of your time-space-reality is nothing more than people having experience and coming to conclusions of desire that then Source Energy answers. And the evolution, actually the speed of it, has to do not so much with the desires that are being born, although they certainly are a significant part of it, but the speed is more about how quickly do people let go of the old thought and begin addressing the new thought, and it works for you and against you, depending upon what you are giving your attention to.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 53

Love Message:  Just when you think you’ve stopped growing during this process, something new will happen and once again you will transcend.  This is the eternal life experience.

~ Ascension ~

This weekend started out very busy.  My oldest son is having difficulty with the divorce process and was home from school, again, yesterday.  The plans I made for the day were interrupted and I found myself around 9:00 pm turning off electronic equipment on my way to bed.  I have a habit of reading, meditating and relaxing in on my cozy, heated mattress before sleep, which ensures a peaceful night.

As I went to turn off my cell phone, I saw an email from A, my soon to be ex-husband.

Given the nature of our divorce and the fact that we are scheduled to be in court next week, the possibility of receiving a noxious email is elevated.  My usual pattern is to be so curious that I read the emails whenever I receive them, moments before bed or not.  This behavior has set me up for many restless nights in the past.  I would tell myself, “I am feeling too good right now for this to effect me negatively,” and I would go ahead and read it, acting without compassion for my body who desperately needs rest for healing and well being during this time.

~ Clarity ~

Last night I had the exact same thoughts and I was on my way to reading when I heard, “Do you not remember?”

“Of course I remember, but I have been doing so well lately,” I replied, and paused, just for a second, without thought, and turned my phone off!  In that instant, as I heard cheering from my guides, I realized that this simple act had jolted my frequency to yet another, more clear level.  I realized that:

I had broken a self sabotaging habit.

I chose to treat myself with love.

I chose to trust that All is well.

And yes, big things sometimes come in small packages.

As I Share My High Frequency Joy Vibration With You, Beth

“There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.”

— Abraham

My Journey Through Divorce Beyond the Physical Realm 38


~ Glorious Spring ~

Spirit Message:  Know that your guides, ancestors, and angels are working for you and your children in the spirit realm as you make this journey through divorce.

~ Surrender Rebirth Love ~

At 1:00 this morning my youngest son came into my bed, saying he had nightmares and was freezing cold.  He asked to wear one of my pink, snuggly night shirts then he fell back to sleep instantly, hugging his pillow and reaching his hand out to touch me.  I did not go back to sleep immediately, however, and as I lay there I thought how easy it is for him to find comfort and security.  I remember doing the same thing as a child when I had nightmares.

Both of my boys have been having a challenging time with the divorce process.  Their routine is completely changed and I understand how they would begin to feel unsafe and have nightmares or act out.  I know I am not able to speed up the healing process for them.  I was feeling sleepy again and wanted to connect to the spirit realm for guidance.  Because I was already asleep, I knew that the usual meditation steps were unnecessary, so I simply began asking my questions and listening for answers.

“Will my kids be ok?” I asked.  The answer came immediately, as if my guides knew I needed this specific information right at this instant.

“Yes, they are adjusting to the transition right now.  You are seeing their stress acting out in their increased fighting and discord,” my guides said.

“What can I do to help them?” I asked, always wanting to love more and assist in my childrens’ spiritual growth and happiness.

“You must focus on healing within yourself.  As you heal, you continue to set the example of unconditional love and support for your children,” they said.  “Remain strong.  Your children need the stability you provide.”

“Is there something I can do to make progress in healing myself?” I asked, feeling like there must be more than their answer.

“Again, you are focused on doing, Beth, which is not surprising because it is your main life obstacle that you carried with you into this lifetime,” my guides began.  “Instead of thinking and doing, relax and breathe.  Be.  This and nothing more will bring you the results which you seek because as you let go of control, you are able to receive our guidance.  We will hold your hand through this process, taking you one day and one step at a time.”

I took in a deep breath and felt an intense tingling sensation at my crown chakra, on the top of my head.  “Yes,” I said.

“Trust.  Have faith.  Breathe.  And listen.  We will answer, Always,” my guides whispered in my ear as I surrendered to the pillow under my head and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Light and Love, Beth